what happened and when will the price drop

According to information obtained by AIR, A kilo of round tomatoes costs approximately $5,000, while cherry tomatoes cost between $7,000 and $8,000. Given the high prices, supermarket and grocery store owners have chosen not to buy the fruit due to low demand.

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A kilo of tomato costs approximately $5,000 in Santa Fe.

Maiquel Torcatt / Aire Digital

Why are tomatoes so expensive in Santa Fe?

Carlos Otrino, president of Santa Fe Farmers Marketexplained that the main tomato production areas are Mendoza, Salta and currents, but currently they come from The Silver and Chili.

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“The little that there is comes from La Plata and is not of good quality, that’s why they come from Chile,” revealed Otrino. In this sense, he highlighted that “Chileans have a differential price, but they also do not supply demand sufficiently.”

When could the price of tomatoes go down?

There is still no clear date on when the price of tomatoes in Santa Fe will drop. Producers and merchants hope that the situation will improve with the arrival of new crops from the traditional producing provinces and a greater supply that will stabilize prices.

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The cherry tomato is between 7000 and 8000.

Maiquel Torcatt / Aire Digital


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