City: almost 40 thousand Santa Fe residents use the public bike system

City: almost 40 thousand Santa Fe residents use the public bike system
City: almost 40 thousand Santa Fe residents use the public bike system

This June 3, World Bicycle Day was celebrated, a date that aims to promote ecological awareness among citizens of the world, contributing to the care of people’s health and the environment.

In this framework, the Municipality of Santa Fe highlights the advantages of the Automated Public Bicycle System that was launched in March 2023 and has already exceeded 232 thousand trips made.

The objective established when launching this system was to strengthen the use of the bicycle as an alternative for mobility, promoting sustainable modes of travel and contributing to improving the quality of air and the life of the inhabitants of Santa Fe. Today There are 36 bike stations distributed throughout the city and about 38,500 registered users.

The statistics provided by the system indicate that the “Las Bicis” system is key to the routine of Santa Fe residents, since 80% of the transfers are from Monday to Friday and the rest on weekends. As for the number of kilometers traveled, there are already more than 700,000 kilometers since the launch of the system.

The most used bike stations are the “Manuel Belgrano” Bus Terminal, the “El Molino” cultural factory, the Belgrano Station, the San Martín Norte Pedestrian, and the Federal Park. In recent weeks, a point was added in Plaza San Martín, another in Hipólito Yrigoyen and Urquiza; and number 36 is located in the Ministry of Social Development (Costanera Oeste, in Espora and Alte. Brown).

It is important to remember that the units are exclusively designed for the system: they have a uniform design with resistant and vandal-proof elements of solid wheels, reflective elements, lights, solar panel, basket, GPS, alarm, electronic lock and a mechanical lock that allows them to be anchored to the system. corresponding bicycle rack.

Trips can have a maximum duration of 45 minutes. In case that time is exceeded, you can return to any Bike point to start a new trip. From the application you can access the registration, the availability of bikes, available bike racks, and the remaining time of each trip.

The procedure to start using the system is very simple: you have to download the application and register with the photo of your ID. The registration period takes 48 hours, in which all the data is checked and from then on you can go to the bike point, scan the QR code and start using the bikes.

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