Professional from Puerto Aysén trains in Master Recipe Book at the Puerto Natales Hospital

Professional from Puerto Aysén trains in Master Recipe Book at the Puerto Natales Hospital
Professional from Puerto Aysén trains in Master Recipe Book at the Puerto Natales Hospital

With the aim of training on the operation of the Master Recipe Book, a pharmacy professional from the Puerto Aysén Hospital has started an internship at the Augusto Essmann Burgos Hospital in Puerto Natales. Since Monday, the official has been in the capital of the Province of Última Esperanza, where he will remain until Friday to acquire knowledge and skills in this specialized area.

The Master Recipe Book It is a crucial space within the hospital pharmacy, dedicated to the preparation of specific formulations for individual patients. These formulas are prepared according to the treatment needs and particular characteristics of each patient, providing a personalized service adapted to specific cases.

During her stay in Puerto Natales, the Puerto Aysén professional will focus on:

  • Know the processes and protocols: Understand the workflow and regulations that regulate the preparation of medications in the Master Recipe Book.
  • Acquire practical skills: Actively participate in the preparation of master formulas under the supervision of the Augusto Essmann Burgos Hospital team.
  • Exchange of experiences: Share knowledge and practices with local professionals, strengthening interregional collaboration in the field of hospital pharmacy.

The existence of a Master Prescription Book in a hospital is vital to address cases where commercial medications do not meet the specific needs of the patient. This service ensures that treatments adjusted to the doses, pharmaceutical forms and components required can be developed.thus improving the effectiveness of the treatment and the patient’s quality of life.


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