A slug was seen in its natural habitat in San José del Guaviare

A slug was seen in its natural habitat in San José del Guaviare
A slug was seen in its natural habitat in San José del Guaviare

On June 1, the community of the Arazá settlement photographed a spectacled caiman in the wetland located west of the urban area of ​​San José del Guaviare. This natural habitat of dozens of species has a connection with the Guaviare River.

With the rise of the Guaviare River, wetlands and backwaters play an important role in buffering floods, which is why fauna species from the tributary and the riverbank begin to look for dry areas and this is the case of sightings of caimans, iguanas and snakes. that have reached the homes of the El Modelo, El Porvenir and 1° de Octubre neighborhoods.

With the sighting of the babilla in the surroundings of the road that is flooded and which is the entrance to Arazá, the director of the Environmental Corporation (CDA), Luisa Fernanda Rave, confirmed that anacondas have arrived at the entity and that they have been released in its natural habitat. She also reported the rescue of a plains caiman and its release.

Director Rave asked the community to report to the Carabineros Police, to the CDA itself, and reiterated to citizens not to disturb or throw objects at the large alligators. Likewise, she recommended that families take extreme safety measures for pets and minors.


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