Cúneo Libarona highlighted the key role as evidence of the Mendoza Genetic Fingerprinting Laboratory

Cúneo Libarona highlighted the key role as evidence of the Mendoza Genetic Fingerprinting Laboratory
Cúneo Libarona highlighted the key role as evidence of the Mendoza Genetic Fingerprinting Laboratory

After participating in the Second Meeting of the Internal Security Council, which took place this Monday in the Ángel Bustelo Auditorium, the minister visited the complex that depends on the Public Prosecutor’s Office together with the Attorney of the Supreme Court, Alejandro Gullé.

Over there, highlighted the role of the laboratory and the Judiciary and expressed that it is “incredible, up-to-date, modern, efficient, well staffed with qualified people,” and that it has “the necessary technological means.”

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The minister accompanied Alfredo Cornejo at the Second Meeting of the Internal Security Council, which was held at the Ángel Bustelo Auditorium.

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“I think it has helped the Union that exists within the framework of this purpose of strengthening Justice on the part of the governor in the different stages, of the Procurement by Alejandro Gullé and by part of the Court and the different tribunals“, stated Cúneo Libarona.

“We are trying to get the Federal Justicewithin the framework of an agreement with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mendozacan help to have a better Justice that is integrated with this very modern and effective laboratory system that has excellent technology, thanks to which everything from autopsies to DNA studies are carried out and which is impressive,” evaluated Walter Bento’s former defense lawyer and current minister of President Javier Milei.

Cúneo Libarona highlighted that the meeting will take place in Mendoza

Cúneo Libarona also highlighted the importance of Mendoza being chosen for this national meeting by pointing out that “This province is very progressive and up-to-date.” Furthermore, he stated that in this meeting, the authorities are committed to protecting the freedom, life and property of the inhabitants, as well as modifying Justice to reconcile with society.

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The Minister of Justice of the Nation spoke about the importance of the Internal Security Council and mentioned several points that are included in Law 24,059, since he explained that the legal, organic and functional bases are laid there “so that with a national effort of “There is internal security for all.”

To this point he added the development of internal security policies and plans and the execution of pending actions to guarantee an adequate level of internal security.

Alfredo Cornejo launched a battery of proposals on security before Libarona

The governor Alfredo Cornejo Patricia Bullrich, of Security, received the national ministers. Luis Petri, from Defense and Mariano Cúnero Libarona, from Justice plus those in charge of the security portfolios of the provinces. The president made known a series of proposals, some already implemented here and others that are the responsibility of the Nation.

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Cornejo highlighted the Justice of Mendoza before 3 ministers of President Javier Milei.

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“We have a battery of proposals that we humbly offer from Mendoza, some we have implemented, and others are strictly national jurisdiction, and we need them to be sanctioned by Congress and executed by the executive bodies,” said Alfredo Cornejo.

That is why he mentioned that these actions can be applied in any province. Immediately afterwards, he emphasized repetition: “It is so vulgar that the people detained by the Police are free in a few hours, it is so common in the conversation of the neighborhood, in the club, anywhere, that it cannot be that we look at it without any correction and without getting involved in the task ”.

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Taking this panorama into account, Cornejo pointed out that this issue is already being applied in Mendoza: “We believe that if the Nation applies it, it will be beneficial for social coexistence,” he remarked.

In another step of his speech, he spoke about the importance of investing in prisons, but also in technology, since this helps the resocialization of people deprived of their liberty. “If we don’t do it, we will continue to show ourselves incapable and incompetent to stop those people who disturb social peace by entering the police station or a prosecutor’s office and leaving again shortly,” he explained.

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