Proud of the past, united by the future

Our beloved department of Cauca. Today, in times of uncertainty, I address you as a proud son of this land, to remind you that our history is a beacon that illuminates the path to a better future.

What is Cauca if not a bastion of Colombian identity? From the colonial stones of Popayán to the most remote corners of our municipalities, every inch of land tells a story of courage and wisdom. Here, on these cobbled streets and under these blue skies, walked giants whose footprints still resonate in the national soul.

Camilo Torres Tenorio, whose pen was as powerful as any sword, taught us that the true revolution begins in the mind and heart. Francisco José de Caldas, the “Wise One” who raised his gaze to the stars, showed us that knowledge has no limits. And Guillermo León Valencia, from the country’s highest authority, demonstrated that a Caucano can lead Colombia with firmness and vision.

But, my dear countrymen, our greatness is not limited to a few illustrious names. In every farmer who tills the land, in every artisan who weaves our traditions, in every student who dreams of a better tomorrow, I see the same force that drove our heroes. Cauca is not great because of its monuments, but because of its people.

However, today we face challenges that test our unity. Politics, which should unite us, sometimes divides us. Some have tried to separate us by social class, by ethnicity, even by the color of our skin. What a big mistake! In Cauca, diversity is not our weakness, it is our strength. We are a mosaic of cultures, a symphony of voices, and it is precisely this plurality that makes us unique.

It pains me to see how, in search of solutions, we have sometimes chosen paths that distance us from our essence. As our beloved Fabián Sánchez, affectionately known as “Andrés Maíz”, points out, our history is woven with threads of popular struggles. But these struggles were not to divide us, but to unite us in the pursuit of social justice.

We understand the difficulties that many face in putting bread on their table. I have seen the sweat on the faces of workers, we have heard the concerns of single mothers, we have felt the frustration of young people looking for opportunities. But let’s not fall into the trap of thinking that the enemy is our neighbor, our colleague or our compatriot. The real enemy is injustice, corruption, indifference.

Caucasians! The time has come to remember who we are. We are not rich or poor, white or black, indigenous or mestizo: we are, above all, children of a blessed land. A land that has taught us that true greatness is not measured in titles or wealth, but in the nobility of the soul.

I invite you, with all the strength of your soul and heart, to look beyond our differences. Corruption does not distinguish social classes, poverty has no color. When a child in Guapi cannot study, we all lose. When an elderly person in Silvia does not have medical care, we all get sick. When a young man in Santander de Quilichao falls into violence, we all bleed.

The Cauca that we dream of, the Cauca for which we fight, is one where prosperity is not a privilege, but a right. Where the quality of life does not depend on the neighborhood where you were born, but on the effort you make. Where every Caucano, regardless of their origin, has the opportunity to write their own success story.

This is not a call for conformity, but for unity in diversity. Let’s keep fighting, yes, but let’s fight together. Against poverty, against ignorance, against everything that robs us of our dignity. And in that fight, let us remember the words of our ancestors, the deeds of our heroes, the wisdom of our elders.

Popayán, a colonial jewel, and every corner of Cauca are more than stones and landscapes: they are the canvas on which we will paint our future. A future where justice is not an ideal, but a reality. Where Payanés and Caucano pride is not just history, but a living present.

At this crucial moment, I ask that we remember our essence. We are rebels, yes, but rebels with a cause. We are proud, but our pride is in serving, not dominating. We are diverse, but in that diversity we find our strength.

Caucanos, the history that no one can erase is not only in books; It is in each of us. Let’s continue writing it, together, with ink of unity, in pages of hope. Cauca, our beloved land, not only deserves a better future; It has everything to build it.

Forward, with faith, with passion, with love for our land and its people!

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