Idoia Ortiz, global Govtech leader, accompanies local startups in their approach to the B2G model.

The open lecture “Govtech and B2G Business Model” given by the global reference in Govtech Idoia Ortiz, was developed for startups within the framework of the Córdoba Govtech Entrepreneurial Support Program that the municipality implements together with Incutex and Innovos Group, thanks to a strategic alliance with IDB Lab.

In the current panorama, Govtech emerges as a transformative narrative that is gaining ground in the innovation strategy of numerous organizations such as public administrations. This approach focuses on collaboration between public institutions and emerging companies to promote solutions that address citizen challenges. However, as it is a recent trend, its dynamics and potential are still little known.

For this reason, within the framework of the Córdoba Govtech Program, a joint initiative of the Municipality of Córdoba and IDB Lab, training spaces are developed to strengthen the local innovation ecosystem. Thus, this June 3, the Secretariat of Smart City and Digital Transformation and CorLab, in collaboration with Incutex and Innovos Group, organized the virtual open lecture “Govtech and B2G Business Model”.

This session was led by the renowned global expert in Govtech, Idoia Ortiz de Artiñano Goñi, CEO and co-founder of GOBE, the first Govtech innovation studio in Spain, where she has played a fundamental role in the creation of the first Govtech laboratories. Govtech in collaboration with renowned institutions such as the Community of Madrid, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the IDB Lab. In this sense, for the specialist, Govtech represents “a new space where public institutions collaborate with emerging companies to design public services that respond to the great challenges of citizens.”

However, despite the abundant supply of innovation by emerging companies in the market, there are barriers that hinder its adoption by the public sector. From the perspective of startups, these barriers include the high acquisition cost for technology-based ventures, the lack of interest on the part of investors in the B2G market, the public sector’s preference for purchasing services instead of products, and the lack of a consolidated entrepreneurial ecosystem. On the other hand, the public sector faces challenges such as a lack of knowledge about innovative solutions, a shortage of spaces for testing and experimentation, and bidding processes that favor large corporations.

That’s why, Idoia Ortiz He pointed out that the initiatives promoted by the Municipality of Córdoba through its Smart City and Digital Transformation Secretariat and CorLab, such as the Córdoba Govtech Entrepreneur Support Program, the Córdoba Smart City Fund, the Córdoba Startup Monitor, are considered exceptional. in Latin America.

So how to overcome these barriers? On the one hand, the specialist calls the public sector to action, to generate pre-commercial spaces, which range from the identification of specific public challenges, the opening to new suppliers, the development of pilot tests and, if they are successful, their escalation. On the other hand, she invites startups to get to know the public administration as a client in depth, understanding the multiplicity of existing markets, the importance of client segmentation and the specificities of their contracting processes.

The open chair «Govtech and B2G Business Model» It was moderated by Luciano Crisafulli, Undersecretary of Knowledge Economy and Govtech Ecosystem, who concludes that Govtech is positioned as a promising public innovation model today. However, since this is a recent trend, this type of entrepreneurial support spaces in the B2G model are key, since the success of a Govtech startup depends largely on its ability to understand the needs of the public sector and adapt their technological solutions effectively. For his part, Ignacio Gei, Secretary of Smart City and Digital Transformation, reaffirms the commitment of the Municipality of Córdoba to consolidate a Govtech ecosystem that promotes innovative solutions for a smarter, more inclusive and sustainable city.

CorLabthe public innovation laboratory of the Municipality of Córdoba, is proud to bring this enriching opportunity to entrepreneurs who are undergoing bootcamp, incubation and/or acceleration. Idoia Ortiz.

1685300cookie-checkIdoia Ortiz, global Govtech reference, accompanies local startups in their approach to the B2G model.forks

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