State executive promotes environmental care in schools – La Jornada San Luis

State executive promotes environmental care in schools – La Jornada San Luis
State executive promotes environmental care in schools – La Jornada San Luis

The Secretary of Education of the State Government (SEGE) promotes the protection of ecosystems among children and youth, through visits to the Environmental Information and Education Center, encourages recycling and teaches the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. actions that have impacted 7,241 students, 102 teachers and more than 300 mothers and fathers.

Within the framework of World Environment Day that is commemorated on June 5 of each year, in accordance with the educational policy instructed by the Governor of San Luis Potosí Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, the SEGE reported that it has carried out various programs through the Coordination of Social Participation to experience direct contact with nature.

The head of the state agency, Juan Carlos Torres Cedillo, explained that the actions include workshops, talks and actions to generate quick solutions in the care of natural resources such as water, rational use of electricity, recycling and responsible consumption of food. to avoid contaminating with garbage, with the support of visual resources such as infographics that have been transmitted to educational communities.

Additionally, the SEGE has promoted, with the collaboration of mothers, fathers and teachers, reforestation actions in some schools with the help of the municipal nursery of the capital of Potosí and the Faculty of Agronomy, taking care of the species suitable for the area and educational spaces.


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