Justice files the case against the general secretary of the Santa Fe Light and Force Union

After almost two years of investigation, Illera came to the conclusion that there is no evidence to support the suspicions raised by the complainants. Luis Alberto Valinotti, employee of the Provincial Energy Company in the city of Santa Fe and former member of the union; Luciano Marcos Rossi, employee of the EPE in the city of Santa Fe and former member; and Maria Liliana Di Bernardoretired, former employee of the EPE in the city of Santa Fe and former member of the union.

The complaint not only targeted Pedro Fernández, but also his wife Silvina Mabel A.; his daughters DNF and NSF; and the partner of one of them, GGH

Lawyer Ignatius Alfonso Garronedefender of Fernández and his family, assured: “The truth is that there was no type of basis for this type of complaint. It was an inflated complaint that mixed the assets he had had throughout his life, invented properties abroad that could never be proven.not even by the complainants when they were summoned to speak.

In the program Believewhich is broadcast every morning on AIRAlfonso Garrone insisted that the complainants were talking about properties abroad, “but they went to the Prosecutor’s Office and did not have the slightest notion of where they could exist.”

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Pedro Fernández, general secretary of the Luz y Fuerza Santa Fe Union.

“From the expertise of Fernández’s fund movements – he added – no indication of properties abroad emerged.”

From now on, Fernández and Alfonso Garrone will evaluate the possibility of suing the complainants for the possible damages and losses generated, and do not rule out criminally reporting them for the possible crimes of libel and slander.

Light and Force Union: 18 folders with asset information

A few weeks after the complaint was filed, Fernández and his lawyer appeared before the court with 18 folders with his asset information: “We could have expected the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate and summon him, but Fernández’s decision was to appear directly with these income reports. and expenses, endorsed by an accountant”.

During these almost two years, the Santa Fe Justice Department requested information from the Afip, the Financial Information Unit, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, the EPE, the General Registry, the National Registry of Automotive Property, real estate agencies and even private neighborhoods, to determine if the accused actually had assets that did not correspond to his income.

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Ignacio Alfonso Garrone is the defense attorney for Pedro Fernández and the members of his family who were also denounced.

“An accounting expert from the Judiciary requested reports from each and every one of the State and private agencies… they analyzed consumption, expenses… it was an investigation that took a long time,” said Alfonso Garrone.

And he insisted: “Everything gave negative results because they had mixed this person’s assets throughout his life and had presented it as his current assets, in addition to inventing fields abroad and properties that never existed.”

The lawyer explained that, in the complaint, it was said that Fernández had given fields to his son-in-law at the time. However, “when the inspections were carried out in the Cadastre, it turned out that the fields belonged to this person’s mother, that they had been donated and that they were small plots in a town in Santa Fe.”

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