Primary Elections in Chile 2024: link and how to consult my voting location in Servel

Primary Elections in Chile 2024: link and how to consult my voting location in Servel
Primary Elections in Chile 2024: link and how to consult my voting location in Servel

This Sunday, in a large part of Chile, the Primary elections for governors, mayors and mayorswhere the vote, by the way, will be voluntary.

As reported by Servelthere will be Primary Elections for governors in the regions of Aysén and Coquimbo, and in 60 communes there will be a vote to elect mayors.

To find out if you will be able to vote, enter this link. Enter your RUT without points and with a hyphen, click where it says ‘I am not a robot’ and then do the same on the ‘Consult’ button. This way all the information you need will be displayed.

In which communes do you vote?

  • Antofagasta: Antofagasta.
  • Atacama: Yellow Earth.
  • Coquimbo: Combarbalá, La Higuera, La Serena and Vicuña.
  • Valparaiso: Cartagena, Concón, Limache, Nogales, Puchuncaví, Quilpué and Valparaíso.
  • Metropolitan: Buin, Calera de Tango, Independencia, Isla de Maipo, La Florida, La Granja, Lo Barnechea, Paine, Peñalolén, Providencia and Puente Alto.
  • O’Higgins: Machalí, Nancagua, Olivar, Paredones, Rancagua, San Fernando and Santa Cruz.
  • Maule: Curepto, Linares and Talca.
  • Ñuble: Coihueco and Portezuelo
  • Biobio: Concepción, Lebu, Lota, Mulchén, Penco, Quilleco, San Pedro de la Paz and Talcahuano.
  • The Araucanía: Carahue, Curacautín, Freire, Lautaro, Pitrufquén, Pucón, Purén, Renaico and Saavedra.
  • The rivers: Futrono, Lanco, Mariquina, Paillaco and Panguipulli.
  • The lakes: Saint Paul.
  • Aysen: Aysén and Guaitecas.
  • Magellan: Punta Arenas.


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