Green light for the Catamarca Transporte company

Green light for the Catamarca Transporte company
Green light for the Catamarca Transporte company

June 7, 2024 – 01:05

Yesterday, the Senate unanimously approved the decree sent by the Executive Branch, during the Legislature’s recess, and which modifies the law by which the transportation company was created. In this way, the Upper House approved the creation of “Catamarca Transporte” in the form of a Unipersonal Joint Stock Company (CaT.SAU).

According to the foundations, the initiative arose from the need to guarantee the Catamarca population the provision of transportation service permanently and continuously as it is an essential service.

Furthermore, the importance of ensuring the correct provision of the service in an efficient and quality manner is raised, considering that “it is a fundamental axis in the current administration policy, since it contributes to economic, productive, social, educational, cultural development. and tourism of the Province”.

The decree encourages the transportation service to be managed by a single company to improve its quality, creating a company that provides the service itself or through third parties in the form of a subconcession.

Through the state company, as proposed, the payment and contribution of subsidies per kilometer traveled can be unified and centralized, “which guarantees the effective and permanent presence of the transport units in the fulfillment of their purposes, with a criterion unique and transparent, thus reducing the discretions and differences that may arise due to the subsistence of different borrowers,” said Senator Mario Gershani when reading the foundations.

On the other hand, the Senate discussed and gave final sanction to the law by which the Executive Branch promotes the Special Regime of Industrial Parks, which aims to promote and stimulate industrial activity through the creation and establishment of industrial zones throughout the territory. of the province of Catamarca. Senator Félix Jerez was in charge of presenting and defending the initiative before his peers.

The initiative seeks to “promote productive development, optimize the performance of investments in infrastructure works and common services, as well as promote territorial planning. Likewise, the intention is to promote the creation of industrial zones and the different regions that make up the provincial territory.” .


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