The Nation defines which of its unfinished works it will delegate to Córdoba

The Nation defines which of its unfinished works it will delegate to Córdoba
The Nation defines which of its unfinished works it will delegate to Córdoba

After the meeting he held with the Chief of Staff of Ministers of the Nation, Guillermo Francos, the governor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora said that the national government is analyzing which of all the paralyzed works will be delegated to the completion of the provincial government.

“They are defining what works the Nation is going to finish and what works we are going to do,” Llaryora highlighted to local media, within the framework of the entertainment for Press workers that the Province offered on Journalist’s Day.

Embed – Mobile from Civic Center: Reinforcement of security in the city

“We have to solve, among other things, the highway to Holmberg. And I am offering to give up part of the budget we have to finish the unfinished business of the Nation,” he reflected.

“We will continue to guarantee freedom of expression”

Regarding the work of journalism, Llaryora greeted the workers at the time and invited them to continue maintaining their professional commitment.

“Happy day to all journalists. I always value journalism from the interior of the interior and we know the difficulties that exist. Keep it up, we are going to continue guaranteeing freedom of expression,” he said.


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