Paco Portillo, a life dedicated to sports reporting – El Sol de San Luis

Paco Portillo, a life dedicated to sports reporting – El Sol de San Luis
Paco Portillo, a life dedicated to sports reporting – El Sol de San Luis

Francisco Portillo remains a friend of the editorial staff The Sun of San Luisthat even in the hallways his anecdotes, advice and many moments are remembered in which he broke the silence with his comments that made more than one smile, which is why many of his friends are happy because it was chosen with the award of Journalistic Merit.

Is a 47-year career in journalism which supports “Don Paco”and very much in his style, he fondly remembered this that was his house for many years, and how it will not feel like his home if his brothers worked here, so For him, the Sun will always carry him in his heart..

El Sol de San Luis was my home for more than 40 years“, and although today I am no longer there, I feel that it is still my home, every time I pass by that building on Universidad Avenue, my heart beats stronger and it is not because of the high blood pressure that the doctors say I suffer from,” he said during his speech.

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Upon departure from El Sol, Don Paco did not want to retire, on the contrary, he continued with his work of informingto remain current with its chronicles and interviews with the protagonists of the different sports disciplinesa profession that will never leave.

“Be sports reporter I assure you that it is the best profession that someone can choose and for that I will always thank God. I know very well that the judging panel had a big problem choosing the winner of this award because I have to admit that there are very talented candidatesthis recognition is generally given to journalists who cover political issues and very relevant events, but Today they turned to see a reporter from the sports area”, he mentioned.

Finally, in his speech he left a strong message to the new and current generations of journalists regardless of the source and that his brother Miguel Portillo said a lot: “Dress your shoes”.

In addition to Paco Portillo, who is like home, Patricia Calvillo and photographers Cristian Robledo and Ricardo Solache won the award who have also had to “terrify their shoes” at sporting events.

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