A user registered what an Argentine carneada is and generated a debate on the networks

A user registered what an Argentine carneada is and generated a debate on the networks
A user registered what an Argentine carneada is and generated a debate on the networks


There is Argentine traditions that date back to the time of the gauchos, the skilled horsemen and rural workers who became symbols of Argentine culture. Within these uses and customs is also the “bait”, a social event that brings together families, friends and neighbours around shared values ​​and the cultural folklore of the countryside. Although it emerged as such, an influencer recalled on social networks one of the reasons that led to this fact.

“They invited me to a carneada, a beautiful Argentine tradition. It was without a doubt one of the best experiences of my life. If they invite you to someone, don’t even hesitate,” wrote on social network X, Leno [@burgerfcts]. Through a video that he broadcast on X, he spoke about the tradition of country people and said that due to the lack of freezers, the slaughter of animals within a family unit arose.

The publication went viral and garnered dozens of comments from those for and against the campera movement. Leno related in a voice-over in the video that the social event is about a moment turned into a party. “It is a tradition that is passed down between generations. “A little bit is a party, a little bit is a ritual and a lot of meat”said.

The invitation came to him from General Las Heras, province of Buenos Aires. “It is incredible how little attention is given to our traditions. We know more about what people eat on Thanksgiving than what happens 300 km away from Buenos Aires. Historically, there is no electricity in the fields, much less refrigerators to put a bull in, so the carneadas were born. When an animal was killed, it had to be used, That is why family and friends were invited, not only to eat, but to help. The animal is respected, using everything: leather, meat, fat, bones and offal. One part is grilled, while the rest is made into chorizo, blood sausage, salami…”, he described.

After thanking those who were behind all the work of the animal, he added: “The celebration lasts a whole weekend, which is why it is held in winter so that it lasts longer. While the meat is cut and the sausages are assembled, some little things that come out are chopped, a lot is sucked, and there’s a bit of music too. It all ends with a barbecue: full of sausages and cold cuts, and it really was one of the best experiences of my life,” he claimed.

The young man maintained that there are “100 people who get together to eat a bug, 100 people who fall with their little bottle to suck and who lend a hand, who are going to enjoy the best meat in the world. An event that brings together the best of Argentina.”

He also highlighted the “way of eating” the whole steer and not just the steak.If you have the opportunity to be invited to a carneada, please, I ask you, do not miss it. It is a great event.”hill.

The video sparked controversy on social media due to the setting in which it was set. Users compared the event to a “carneada” of another level, due to the place where the animal was butchered.Very Palermo-style everything. They should put arugula on the chorizo ​​sandwich”, “Unknown to many people from Buenos Aires”, “They think that everything comes from the supermarket”, “That meat festival is very cool, I would still like to go”, “Pfff, I must have participated with my family”, wrote several users. There were others who showed the “real meat festival” through videos, without so much staging and decoration, beyond the camaraderie between those involved.

A social media user said that he went to a butchering in General Las Heras, province of Buenos Aires, and caused a stir

In Senasa recalled that, in these cases, it must be taken into account that the cow to be slaughtered is healthy. That is, the animal has been vaccinated and has the necessary traceability for consumption. However, they recalled that control in these cases should be provided by the municipalities: food science, as long as it is a business, with ticket sales. It would not be the case if it is a gathering of friends or families who meet to eat during a weekend.


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