Political parties demand sanctions against the resigned seremi of the MOP Aysén

Political parties demand sanctions against the resigned seremi of the MOP Aysén
Political parties demand sanctions against the resigned seremi of the MOP Aysén

Democratic Revolution, Socialist Party and National Renewal point out the reasons for Patricio Sanhueza’s resignation. Details in the note.

A closed and transversal rejection has become evident at the level of political parties in the Aysén Region, in the face of complaints that link the recently resigned seremi of the MOP, with events that would constitute workplace and even sexual harassment.

Patricio Sanhueza resigned from his position on Monday, June 3, as reported this Friday, the 7th, which will take effect on Monday, the 10th of this year, without informing the reasons behind his decision.

Subsequent to what was reported, various public statements from political parties, both official and opposition, have appeared, revealing the reasons for Sanhueza’s departure.

Complaints and repudiation

Democratic Revolution, the party to which Patricio Sanhueza belongs, was the first to distance itself from the militancy of the former Seremi, pointing out and condemning “the complaints associated with MALS in the Seremi of Public Works.” It should be noted that the reference MALS is the abbreviation of Workplace and/or Sexual Abuse and Harassment.

“The reported events bear individual responsibilities and we trust that the competent authorities, both of justice and of our party institutions, will carry out an exhaustive and fair investigation to clarify the facts,” says the RD statement, along with valuing the courage of those who denounce such acts.

For its part, the Socialist Party had harsher words. “As a Party we strongly condemn any act of harassment and/or violation of rights towards women,” they began by pointing out.

“Given the resignation of the Seremi of Public Works, which, according to what has emerged, would be linked to accusations of harassment, we ask the Government of President Boric, and the Regional Presidential Delegate, to give a powerful signal of rejection of this conduct, along with developing a rapid investigative process that clarifies these situations,” they added.

Added to the above was Renovación Nacional, a party that, together with Estamento Mujeres Aysén, repudiated the events.

“We strongly condemn all forms of violation and harassment in any context in which a woman may be a victim, especially when it is perpetrated by a regional authority,” they emphasized.

“We hope that the Government of President Gabriel Boric, who declares himself a feminist, firmly condemns this act and ensures that the corresponding justice is done, in the face of the complaint of alleged sexual harassment that links and generated the resignation of the former Seremi of Public Works,” They closed.

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