Sea lion travels kilometers to rural areas to eat fish – Más Río Negro

Sea lion travels kilometers to rural areas to eat fish – Más Río Negro
Sea lion travels kilometers to rural areas to eat fish – Más Río Negro

An adult male sea lion was found on a path on the former national route No. 3, near a sports club in Viedma. For this reason, technical staff from the Secretariat of Environment and Climate Change of Río Negro, in collaboration with the Undersecretary of Wildlife of the Ministry of Economic and Productive Development, carried out a monitoring and translocation operation of the specimen.

During the operation, technical personnel from both institutions traveled to the site and found the specimen near the road, a short distance from the route. The animal, in perfect health, was mobilized to ensure that it was properly moved to a safe place.

A resident of the sector informed the team that it is common to see the sea lion in that place. The animal frequents the area and feeds on carp (fish) in the nearby canal. Although the neighbor has tried to scare him away on several occasions, he always comes back. This behavior is indicative that the animal is in good condition and has established a routine in the area.

They stressed that the sea lion does not represent a danger to people, but they are requested not to approach it to avoid possible incidents and those passing through the area to circulate with caution, since it could eventually be crossed.

In the event of a sighting in areas near the route or if it is considered that the animal needs assistance, the community is urged to contact the Undersecretariat of Wildlife at number 2920 61 2000 to evaluate the situation and, if necessary, provide assistance. attendance

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