César Acuña could stop being governor of La Libertad

César Acuña could stop being governor of La Libertad
César Acuña could stop being governor of La Libertad

ONPE must respond in nine days if it admits the request against César Acuña.| Photocomposition: Infobae Perú (Camila Calderón)

César Acuña, regional governor of La Libertad, must reconsider his leave to rest. Jose Miranda Pradolawyer and former councilor of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo (MPT)initiated a revocation process against the founder of Alliance for Progress (APP).

Along these lines, the lawyer has already requested the revocation kit before the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) arguing that Acuña did not comply with different commitments related to citizen insecurity, health and the fight against poverty.

“Acuña has incurred a series of breaches. Freedom continues to bleed, despite the fact that he committed, in his plan to fight against citizen insecurity, to assume that task with integrity and loyalty. In the year 2023 he did not invest a single sun in security,” Miranda said in dialogue with Mail.


As evidence of this, he highlighted that the promised drones, patrol cars and helicopters have not been acquired, despite the persistence of crime in the region. He also pointed out that the governor also did not deliver the announced footwear for schoolchildren in situations of poverty and extreme poverty; as well as laptops for teachers.

“And if we talk about health, the governor has not been able to carry out the processes to tender the works in the hospitals in the provinces of Otuzco and Virú. All of that is detailed in the application,” he added.

Regarding the process, he mentioned that in nine days the Onpe must decide whether or not to admit your request, as well as whether it lacks any requirements or something to correct. “After that there are 30 days for the entity to resolve and give us the revocation kit,” he explained.

It is worth mentioning that for Acuña’s departure to occur, Miranda must collect around 365,367 signatures, equivalent to 25% of the electorate that participated in the elections on October 22, 2022. Gerardo Torres Reyes, president of the Association of Mayors of the Neighborhood Territories of Trujillo, and Sergio Pinedo Esquivel, regional secretary of the Unified Union of Education Workers of Peru (Sutep)-La Libertad, have expressed their support for the measure. Both consider that Acuña has not fulfilled his campaign promises or his government plan. “We are going for 400,000. “I have faith that it will be achieved,” said the lawyer.

César Acuña could be revoked | Photocomposition: Infobae Perú (Renato Silva)
César Acuña could be revoked | Photocomposition: Infobae Perú (Renato Silva)

In the national context, there are several citizens who are dissatisfied with the elected authorities. Among the public figures who could face this process are:

  • Rafael López Aliaga, mayor of Lima, criticized for not fulfilling his campaign promises, which has motivated citizen movements such as “Porky No Va.”
  • Werner Salcedo, regional governor of Cusco, object of protests by civil construction workers due to his alleged inability to manage.
  • Koki Noriega, governor of Áncash, questioned for his administration and lack of execution of important works in the region.
  • Wilfredo Oscorima, governor of Ayacucho, for failure to comply with government plans and poor management. According to the regional media Wari Station, the revocation is also motivated in part by the ‘Rolex Case’, in addition to works in the region that are paralyzed. However, since the ONPE indicates that the arguments for the purchase of revocation kits cannot be crimes, resorting to the incapacity of officials.

If the revocation is approved, the National Elections Jury (JNE) accredits the unproclaimed candidates from the same electoral list as replacements of the authority. If there are no more candidates on said list, those from the list that reached the next place in number of votes in the corresponding election will be considered to complete the term of office.

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