Cabrisas meets with the vice president of Russia to ‘speed up’ the economic rescue expected by the regime

Cabrisas meets with the vice president of Russia to ‘speed up’ the economic rescue expected by the regime
Cabrisas meets with the vice president of Russia to ‘speed up’ the economic rescue expected by the regime

The Cuban deputy prime minister, Ricardo Cabrisasmet with the Vice President of the Government of Russia, Dimitry Chernyshenko, in Saint Petersburgheadquarters of the 27th edition of International Economic Forum, to which Havana sent a delegation with the aim of attracting investments of Russian businessmen.

According to the official portal Cubadebate, Cabrisas and Chernyshenko —who co-chair the Intergovernmental Commission for bilateral Economic-Commercial and Scientific-Technical Relations— agreed this Friday on the “need to expedite the materialization of concrete actions under the agreements adopted between the respective governments.”

One day before, The former Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment had made clear the desperation of the regime because those are realized agreements between Vladimir Putin and Miguel Díaz-Canel.

In meetings with executives of Russian companies, Cabrisas emphasized that, “based on the government agreements signed” between Putin and Díaz-Canel, “there is still a lot of work to be done between the business sectors of both countries, to achieve the objectives.” overall layouts”, as Cubadebate quoted him then.

In the meeting with Chernyshenko, progress was recognized in increasing the flow of Russian tourists to Cuba and flights to the Island from that country, “among others.”

By 2024, Havana expects between 200,000 and 230,000 tourists from Russia, a record number. Cristina León Iznaga, Tourism Counselor at the Cuban Embassy in Russia, said in May that in the first four months of this year, 89,300 Russians traveled to the Island, for a year-on-year growth of 103%.

At the beginning of June, Russian tour operators reported an increase in interest among vacationers from that country in booking vacation packages in Cuba during the summer. However, this was mainly supported by the decrease in hotel prices compared to the high season.

In addition to the business projects that are already underway in Cuba with Russian businessmenin accordance with Cubadebateothers are preparing.

Cabrisas and Chernyshenko exchanged on the preparation of other priority Russian-Cuban businesses in the sectors of tourism, industry, sugar agroindustry, energy and commerce.

The Cuban deputy prime minister also met with the Russian Minister of TransportationRoman Starovoit, to establish “the necessary contacts to continue promoting collaboration in the air, maritime-port and land branches, as well as follow up on the work projections agreed between the parties,” reported Cubadebate.

With the governor of Saint Petersburg, Alexander D. Beglov, he discussed “the possibilities for further deepening and developing the relations” between that Russian city and Santiago de Cuba. In the dialogue, a visit by Beglov to the Island before the end of 2024 was confirmed.

In addition, “concrete possibilities” were identified in the training of professionals, health and scientific exchange, reported Cubadebate.

As recalled in a recent DIARIO DE CUBA article, The Kremlin’s current fight for hegemony takes place, to a large extent, in the academywith emphasis on universities.

In April, it emerged that The Kremlin will open a branch of the Federal University of the South in Havanawhich would be the first branch of a foreign university on the Island.

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