Tremor in Chile today, June 10: time, magnitude and epicenter of the last earthquake according to CSN | MIX

Tremor in Chile today, June 10: time, magnitude and epicenter of the last earthquake according to CSN | MIX
Tremor in Chile today, June 10: time, magnitude and epicenter of the last earthquake according to CSN | MIX

Did you know that Chile is among the most seismic countries on the planet? This is due to its location on the Nazca-South American fault line, where two tectonic plates constantly interact. The friction between these plates generates seismic movements that, for the most part, go unnoticed by the population.

Stay informed about the seismic activity in Chile It is crucial for safety and preparation for possible unpredictable events of nature. In this Gestión Mix article, we present you relevant information about the National Seismological Center (CSN) about the seismicity in Chile recorded today, Monday June 10, 2024.

Tremor in Chile today, June 10 – CSN report LIVE

He CSNan entity belonging to the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), has a network of seismographs distributed throughout the South American country that allow seismic movements to be detected and recorded. Likewise, it publishes the reports of the most recent earthquakes on its official website, where you can find detailed information about the magnitude, time, epicenter and depth of the most recent earthquake:

Regions with the highest seismic activity in Chile

According to data from National Seismological Center (CSN) from the University of Chile, the regions with the highest seismic activity in the South American country are:

  • Coquimbo Region (IV)
  • Valparaíso Region (V)
  • Metropolitan Region (RM)
  • Maule Region (VII)
  • Biobío Region (VIII)

How to prepare for an earthquake in Chile?

  • Find out: Stay up to date on the earthquakes recorded by the CSN and the preventive measures recommended by the authorities.
  • Make an emergency plan: Define a safe place in your home or workplace, and establish evacuation routes.
  • Have an emergency kit: Prepare a kit with non-perishable food, drinking water, medications, flashlights, and other essentials.
  • Participate in drills: Join the earthquake drills organized by the authorities to practice your emergency plan.

Tremor in Chile: What should an emergency backpack include?

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