Parliamentary leaders from Cuba and Mozambique dialogue in Havana (+Photos)

In the meeting at the National Capitol, headquarters of the Cuban Legislature, Lazo expressed to the parliamentary leader of that African country the satisfaction of receiving her to – he stated – discuss the present and future of the relations of two sister nations, taking into account the sacred bilateral ties.

For her part, the Mozambican visitor thanked the warmth and hospitality with which she received in this Caribbean nation since her arrival on June 7 at the head of a delegation from her country.

In statements to the press, he thanked the support of Cuban doctors, and the contribution of the island in other spheres to his nation, and congratulated the people and Government of the Antilles for the progress obtained in the midst of a complex economic situation.

Esperança Laurinda Francisco Nhiuane Bias, this Monday laid a wreath in tribute to the National Hero José Martí, at the Memorial dedicated to the work of the considered Apostle of Cuban independence in the Plaza de la Revolución in Havana.

During your stay in Cuba, you will hold conversations with other authorities and visit places of historical and cultural interest, among other activities.



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