«Society should not worry, Córdoba is a safe city»

-The National Police celebrates its bicentennial in 2024. How has this body evolved?

-For us it is a pride this year to celebrate these 200 years and this evolution that our corporation has had. With the royal decree of Fernando VII, in 1824, the then General Police of the Kingdom was created, which is our predecessor. Throughout these 200 years we have changed names, our structure has changed to adapt it to the evolution of society, but we have fulfilled the function of providing security, public order and research.

-And this year they celebrate it with different events.

-Exactly. With two objectives. First, make visible our corporation and the work we do for the society we serve, as our Constitution says. And on the other hand, renew our commitment, both internally, of all the people who make up the National Police, and externally, valuing those values ​​of service, dedication, loyalty and dignity, and getting closer to society so that they know us better.

-What activities do they have?

-The first event that took place here was on January 13, with a flag raising. The Palacio de la Merced lights up every 13 with the corporate color, which is blue. Then we had other activities such as an exhibition in the bullring of Córdoba. It is an exhibition that children really like and, furthermore, with another objective, that of being able to attract future police officers. A photographic exhibition at the Palacio de la Merced, we have also held a drawing contest among schoolchildren, and we have in mind the Route 091 race, on November 17. We also want to recognize those people or institutions that have a commitment and outstanding activity with the National Police.

-Is the entry of women into the National Police continuing to grow?

-We have two milestones. The bicentennial and this year marks 45 years since the incorporation of women into the National Police. The first women joined in 1979, there were 42, in what was then called the Superior Police Corps. There was the National Police Corps, with public order functions, and the Superior Police Corps, with investigative functions. It was then merged in 1986 into what we know today as the National Police. Now we are almost at 18%, I think we are about 12,700 or about 12,800 women. Today, we are an attractive institution not only for men, but also for women. We have two entry routes, the basic scale and the executive scale, and in the latest promotions on the executive scale we are at 50%. On the middle management scale, the latest promotions are almost at 50%.

-Does that mean that educated women are incorporated, more than on the basic scale?

-On the basic scale the percentage is not bad either, it is around thirty-something percent, but it is true that in the latest promotions the profile is people with a lot of training.

-In your office you can see distinctions such as those granted by the Civil Guard and businessmen, but now a newspaper recognizes them as Cordobans of the Year.

-For us it is a source of pride, because it is true that we have been receiving awards, but for a media outlet to present us with this award, in its form of social values, is a source of pride. We are very happy.

-Next year, expectedly, the new police station will be inaugurated, will it mean the closure of facilities?

-In principle, it replaces Campo Madre de Dios. All brigades can be in the same building, which, organically and functionally, is much more effective and efficient.

-Will more media be incorporated in the near future?

-It is planned that we will be provided with drones permanently as a means of security and surveillance. The use is common, but they are resources that we have to request from our headquarters. We already have two police officers, one has the qualification and another is training for use.

-On his table he has a distinction for being a reference in the defense of equality. Precisely, the gender violence statistics highlight that a majority of complaints are made based on the police report, a task that is perhaps unknown, right?

-One of the acts that we have also done is that on the occasion of March 8, we organized a day to value the leading women in Córdoba society. Gender violence is a crime that is prosecuted ex officio. Reporting the episodes we witness is up to everyone, not just the police. Women who suffer from it find it very difficult to file a complaint for different reasons, which is why so many resources are needed to address it. There have been some restraining orders granted when the Police have faithfully reflected the situation of terror that occurred with the woman when we arrived and how the aggressor controlled her. Many times, too, we need to turn to witnesses.

-In 2023, eight complaints were made daily to the court for sexist violence. There are many?

-Of course, but I don’t like to talk about figures on gender violence. I have always wanted to stay with the one that is not reported, because there we do not know what risk there is for women. Verbal, psychological violence, which is very serious, or physical.

-In recent months we have had two homicides and attacks with a knife, despite the fact that it is always stated that Córdoba is safe. There is a change?

-The city of Córdoba is safe. The fact that we have a case of any of the criminal modalities of the Penal Code does not mean that it is not safe. The National Police works so that when crimes are committed, they are investigated and resolved as quickly as possible. Córdoba society should not worry that Córdoba is an unsafe city, because it is not.

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