«In the Parque del Carmen there are not even flowers, it is sad to see it»

«In the Parque del Carmen there are not even flowers, it is sad to see it»
«In the Parque del Carmen there are not even flowers, it is sad to see it»

Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 09:08

The price of school meals, the San Bernabé programming or the state of Parque del Carmen are some of the calls that are collected in this section.

  1. Trade Agreement Update

Today’s section begins with a claim that is related to the updating of the La Rioja Trade Agreement, which has been frozen for more than 15 years. “I wonder why the social agents, both unions and employers, continue to laugh at the thousands of Riojans and do not put any real effort into sitting down to negotiate,” says this Riojan. Furthermore, he adds “why does no political party take the side of the Riojan workers to mediate and force it to be renewed this year?”

Night noise on Foundry Street

A neighbor on Fundión Street in Logroño wants to express her dissatisfaction with the noise generated on her street at night, “there are a large number of night bars, you cannot take drinks out onto the street, but the staff of the establishments provide them with to customers plastic cups to take them out. Likewise, she denounces the incivility of the citizens, “as there are tables and benches, people dance and sing at night, this is getting worse, some neighbors are taking pills to be able to sleep,” she says.

  1. Unanswered calls in Haro

The next call comes from San Vicente de la Sonsierra. A resident of this town is having problems filing his income tax return in person in Haro. “I’m constantly calling the phones to make an appointment and they never answer, they always say they’re busy,” he explains.

  1. “Excess” of tables in María Teresa Gil de Gárate

Another call from Logroño, this time a resident of María Teresa Gil de Gárate street explains that he is “fed up” with the number of existing terraces. “We have protested and written to the City Council to request a reduction in tables and we have not received a response,” she says. She states that on the weekend they cannot enter the garages and asks that “the police pass through the street because there are too many tables and that generates noise and murmuring.” His solution to solve this situation is to reduce the number of tables and not give more bar licenses because “there is already too much noise.”

  1. San Barnabas Program

On this occasion they contacted the Reader’s Telephone to criticize the San Barnabas program, “what’s the point of having children’s programming in the morning on Wednesday the 12th if it’s not a holiday,” explains this citizen.

Abandonment of Carmen Park

“It makes me sad to see the Parque del Carmen,” says a woman from Logroño. In her opinion, “the Espolón is very well maintained and so is the Jorge Vigón roundabout.” However, in the Parque del Carmen “there are not even flowers, it is a shame to see it with the park being so beautiful,” she clarifies.

  1. Elevator regulations

The new safety standard for elevators has caused discomfort in a resident of Logroño. “The sanctions for non-compliance that are going to be applied are truly outrageous,” he explains. The fines will range from 60,000 euros to 100,000,000 euros in the case of very serious infractions.

  1. Difficult traffic on sidewalks

Another call from Logroño, this time a neighbor asks “that they let us enjoy the sidewalks, that we walk all day aware of the danger we are in, that’s fine,” he points out. The problem, according to this citizen, is caused by the terraces of the bars, the outdoor displays of the fruit shops and the bicycles and electric scooters that circulate on the sidewalks.

  1. In defense of the hospitality industry

On this occasion, a woman from Logroño wants to thank the hoteliers for their work and reproaches all the people who complain about this sector. “I thank the bars because they have given us work when we haven’t had any; there are neighbors who are delighted to have these establishments,” she says.

  1. Outrage with the price of dining rooms

Today’s section ends with a call from Villamediana. A neighbor wants to reflect her discomfort with the prices of school cafeterias. “I find it outrageous that we are the community with the most expensive prices,” she says. To solve it, she proposes reasonable prices, “the government could assume some of the expense, because what better than investing it in children and taking care of their health,” she concludes.

Do you have a complaint? A protest? A thank you?

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    Leave your message at 941 279105

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    Leave your text (or a voice message) at 690 879609, indicating that it is for El Telephone del Lector

  • The Chili Pepper

    If your complaint comes with a photo, you can also send it to us at 690 879609, or by email to [email protected]

Repair of the asphalt on Avenida de la Sierra and other streets

Today’s photo complaint talks about a recurring theme in this section: the state of the asphalt on some streets in Logroño. Specifically, it refers to Avenida de la Sierra “past the open field.” This reader assures that there are many streets that are like this and asks that they be “checked and fixed”, since they have a lot of traffic and it is “really uncomfortable to navigate through them.”

The rules of The Reader’s Telephone

  • To facilitate

    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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