Powerful earthquake shakes Santiago de Cuba

Powerful earthquake shakes Santiago de Cuba
Powerful earthquake shakes Santiago de Cuba

Photo: Shutterstock

Text: Hugo León

An earthquake more powerful than usual in eastern Cuba shook the city of Santiago de Cuba, according to reports from that province and official sources.

The network of stations of the National Seismological Service has recorded an earthquake reported as perceptible at 10:54 am, said the National Seismological Service of Cuba.

According to Dr.C. Enrique Diego Arango Arias, head of this institution, the earthquake was located at the coordinates 19.95 degrees north latitude and -75.83 degrees west longitude and had a depth of 25.5 kilometers.

The magnitude of the earthquake was 4.3 on the Richter scale and it was located just 7 kilometers south of the city of Santiago de Cuba, capital of the province of the same name.

According to the specialist, there were also reports of perceptibility in several locations in Guantánamo, Granma and Holguín.

No material or human damage was reported, the note adds. Meanwhile, officials from the Government of Santiago de Cuba asked the population to remain calm and stay in clear places, as a precautionary measure.

This was the 9th perceptible earthquake of the year 2024 and according to reports from Internet users on social networks, first a noise was felt that some described as that of a truck engine and then the shaking came.

The eastern Cuban region is no stranger to this type of phenomena. In recent years, dozens of perceptible earthquakes of varying magnitude have been reported, but fortunately so far none of them have been large-scale.

So far this year, for example, in April, another earthquake but of a smaller magnitude was noticeable from Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo.


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