Inauguration of the Municipal Training Center in Trades and Technology in Crespo – Paralelo32

In a determined commitment to education and technological development, the municipality of Crespo inaugurated the new Municipal Training Center in Trades and Technology, after completing a series of building reconditioning works in one of the warehouses of the Railway Station. This Tuesday, the center opened its doors to the community, with more than 100 people already registered for the various workshops and courses taught.

The objective of the center is to offer a space where people from Crespe can train in traditional trades and new technologies, expanding their possibilities of insertion and competitiveness in the labor market. Under the motto “With the future as our north, we offer you a present to prepare, train and educate yourself”, the municipality has invested in this project with the purpose of promoting the culture of work and entrepreneurship that characterizes the city.

Project details

The refurbishment works included painting work, the retrofitting of electrical connections and the construction of an intermediate wall to facilitate the simultaneous delivery of classes. This effort has made it possible to adapt the facilities so that they are functional and safe, providing an optimal environment for learning and practicing skills.

Alliances and educational programs

The center not only houses the municipality’s own programs, but has also established agreements with several renowned educational institutions, such as the General Council of Education (CGE) of Entre Ríos, the National Technological University, the Autonomous University of Entre Ríos, the National University of Entre Ríos and the National Institute of Technological Education. These alliances allow us to offer a variety of careers and training that respond to the demands of the productive sector and the needs of the community.

Currently, the center offers six workshops, four of them in collaboration with the CGE and the Vocational Training Center No. 3: ‘Welder’, ‘Industrial Electrician’, ‘Carpentry Assistant’ and ‘Electrical Installations of Renewable Energy’. In addition, ‘Blacksmithing’ and ‘Home Electricity’ workshops are held, a municipal initiative. Soon, it is planned to incorporate the ‘3D Printing and Robotics’ course, which is currently taking place in the NIDO ‘Dr. Adolfo Goldenberg’.

Inauguration of the Municipal Training Center in Trades and Technology in CrespoInauguration of the Municipal Training Center in Trades and Technology in Crespo

Statements from authorities and representatives

During the inauguration, the municipal president, Marcelo Cerutti, highlighted the importance of this new space as a boost for training and technological development in Crespo. “This is our challenge as a management and where we intend to go. We want Crespo to be a transformative pole in education and technological development,” said Cerutti.

Ricardo De Carli, representative of the Crespo Microregion and Surrounding Villages (MiCrA), highlighted the relevance of the center in community training, especially in a context where the demand for qualified personnel is high. “Getting qualified in these spaces that promote education is a good opportunity for the community,” said De Carli.

Carla Dure, member of the CGE, praised the joint work between the institutions and the municipality, highlighting the importance of replicating these models in other regions to respond to the needs of the productive sector. Silvia Faure, Departmental Director of Schools, and Corina Darrechon, from the Job Training and Higher Education Area, also emphasized the importance of this initiative in the generation of quality employment and in public-private collaboration for the benefit of the community.

Darío Schwab, Rector of the Vocational Training Center No. 3, thanked the municipality for the facilities and highlighted the importance of having an adequate space to carry out real tests during training, in response to the demand for qualified trades and professionals in the local industry. .

Inauguration of the Municipal Training Center in Trades and Technology in Crespo

The CFP No. 3

It depends on the CGE – Directorate of Professional Technical Education. It was created in 2021 through an agreement signed on March 16 by the Municipality of Crespo and the CGE. It was managed within the framework of the Crespo Microregion and Surrounding Villages (MICRA), with the purpose of bringing training tools to young people and adults who reside in the territory, with proposals linked to the productive and industrial activities of the area.

This inter-institutional framework allowed agreements to be made with authorities of localities that are members of the MICRA: Aldea San Rafael, Aldea Eigenfeld, Colonia Reffino, Aldea San Miguel, Colonia Merou, Gobernador Etchevehere, Estación Camps and General Racedo. Also accompanied by the endorsements of La Agrícola Regional Coop. Ltda; the Crespo Civil Association National Capital of Poultry; the Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural and Services Center of Crespo; and the Crespo Industrial Park Civil Association.

Prior to the signing of that agreement, in 2017 and 2019, in Crespo we had the presence of the Mobile Workshop Classroom, dependent on the Directorate of Professional Technical Education. On those occasions he worked at the Cultural Center ‘La Estación’. Almost a prediction of what is realized in the present.

CFP No. 3 began operating on October 14, at the Municipal Nursery, with training in ‘Basic Welding’. This project, shared by governmental and organizational actors, was thus created to respond to the HR needs of the Microregion, to enhance the agro-productive, agri-food, industrial and services profile. Emphasizing free vocational training for young people over 18 years of age and adults with official certification, for those who need to access the world of work or incorporate knowledge and skills for current employment.

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