From 9:30 a.m. unions and organizations march in Salta against the Bases Law – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

From 9:30 a.m. unions and organizations march in Salta against the Bases Law – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
From 9:30 a.m. unions and organizations march in Salta against the Bases Law – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Unions grouped in the Salta Regional General Confederation of Labor (CGT) call on all social, political and community sectors in general to participate today in the march against the Bases Law.

The rally is scheduled to start at 9:30 in front of the historic Cabildo of the city of Salta. Leftist sectors and social organizations will also march.

“It is an important day for Argentina. “Our representatives in the National Congress will deal with a law that not only destroys work, but also deepens the destruction of the social fabric of Argentines,” he said. Carlos Rhodeshead of the CGT Salta.

The trade unionist pointed out that: “The labor union is the only institution that is confronting the neoliberal policies of the national government and tomorrow we Salteños must demonstrate to say NO TO THE BASES LAW.”

Finally, he indicated that “as a society we cannot look to the side and allow the future to be stolen from our children and grandchildren. “The Crisis is being paid by the people and not by the caste that they proclaimed so much.”

Meanwhile, the MST-Left Front, together with social organizations grouped in the “Territories in Struggle” front, reported that they will also mobilize this Wednesday. They will concentrate in San Martín and Córdoba and march towards Plaza 9 de Julio.

Andrea Villegas, leader of the MST-Frente de Izquierda, declared: “The Base Law gives our resources to national and foreign corporations, destroying labor and pension rights. All to continue benefiting illegal businesses with the tax package, exemptions and money laundering to privilege the rich and the IMF, the bosses of Milei.”

From the “Territories in Struggle” Front they pointed out that “with the superpowers and the economic emergency, the rights to food, social assistance, Education, Health and Gender rights are attacked” and that “the labor reform, in addition to privatizations, legalizes precarious work, without compensation and stable employment, give free rein to dismissals and attack the right to strike.”

The sector affirms that the RIGI attacks environmental rights, indigenous peoples and national sovereignty.

Feminists also demonstrate

The National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion reported that they are joining the mobilizations and concentrations that will take place throughout the country to demand that the Base Law be rejected.

“We express ourselves against any type of negotiation or agreement to enact the law with modifications,” they said in a statement.

They justified the rejection by saying that the law “deepens and guarantees the plundering of our natural common goods” and “proposes a labor reform that enables dismissals without cause and without compensation.”

They highlighted that a pension reform is proposed that extends the retirement age, eliminates the moratorium and moves to the Universal Pension for the Elderly (PUAM), which is 20% less than the minimum retirement and is not compatible with other pensions.

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