“They are going to have to take me dead from La Rosada to break the fiscal deficit”

Javier Milei He questioned that Congress has been debating the Base Law and maintained that if it did not take so long “the adjustment would have been less painful”. He further reported that “What matters least to politics is the people and the only thing that matters to them is doing business.” He also stated that they are going to have to “take him dead from La Rosada to break the fiscal deficit.”

The President spoke this Wednesday at ExpoEFI 2024 taking place in La Rural. His speech coincided with the beginning of the debate in the Senate of the bill that includes the reforms promoted by his administration. While the president spoke, the libertarian senator Bartolomé Abdala presented the opinion and the latest changes that the Government had accepted, among which were the elimination of the privatizations of Aerolíneas Argentinas, Correo Argentino and the public media.

At the beginning of his speech, Milei recalled that he had visited the exhibition as a candidate and briefly reviewed his first six months in office, in which he developed the critical situation he received after the presidency of Alberto Fernández. “The big bet of the previous Government was that we wanted to release everything on the first day, which would have resulted in a brutal crisis and in January they returned to power“, held.

Then He questioned the obstacles he found to apply the mega DNU and the Bases Lawand specifically criticized the fact that this latest project has been going back and forth for six months without being approved.

“We sent a reform program that is the Bases Law, and a DNU, and they have been discussing the Bases Law for six months,” the president complained, and continued with his criticism of the opposition legislators: “That would have made the adjustment less painful. But what matters least to politics is the people and the only thing they care about is doing business with people and that is what we came to change and what makes them so violent.”

Milei during her exhibition at La Rural. Photo Matías Campaya

In different passages of his presentation Milei pointed out his questions to those who point out that he does not have a clear economic program and once again focused on the Base Law. “These are things that contribute to long-term growth and if the law passes… I remind you that the largest reform was made by Menem and the law is five times larger than Menem’s reform. And if you add the DNU, which is in force, we are in a reform eight times bigger than the largest one,” he added.

“What part is no program? We sent a thousand reforms and two hundred were thrown away“, he remarked in reference to the changes that the deputies and senators made to the initial project of the Executive.

On the other hand, in line with the speeches he has been giving after the half-sanction of the new retirement formula in Deputies, once again forcefully defended fiscal balance. “They are going to have to take me dead from La Rosada to break the fiscal deficit,” she asserted.


The President speaks at ExpoEFI 2024 taking place in La Rural.

Milei once again defined the deputies who approved the new retirement mobility as “fiscal degenerates” who voted “crazy projects to break the fiscal balance“.

He also insisted on the idea that the rise of the blue dollar, which in the last few hours once again reached record values, “is not due to monetary issues, it is due to a set of brutes, squirts, criminals; who want to burst the fiscal balance to overturn the Government. (They are) destituents.”

Likewise, the president once again supported the Minister of Human Capital, who in recent weeks was at the center of the controversy due to the food scandal and the hiring within her portfolio. “Which side are they on? On the side of Minister (Sandra) Pettovello who is fighting with all the jets or on the side of the jets? Sometimes Argentina is a very strange country,” she said.

President Javier Milei, at ExpoEFI 2024.

The libertarian leader once again attacked the opposition when referring to the rise in the country’s risk, which in recent days climbed again to 1,600 points after the decline that had been sustained for months.

“Until recently we had managed to break the line of 1,200 (basis points) and we were on our way to breaking 1,000, but politics appeared and took it to 1,600. But don’t worry, this is determined by the condition of intertemporal solvency and I am not going to deliver the zero deficit: sooner or later we are going to break them“he warned.

Milei and her “hatred” of traveling because she misses dogs

The President also referred to the questions he received in recent days due to his repeated trips abroad and the controversy in relation to his imminent new departure for Europe to participate in the G7.

“Part of the job is for me to travel, and it’s interesting because I hate traveling and now they criticize me for traveling a lot,” Milei said.

Along those lines, he went into depth with his personal story: “I worked in a company that was Corporación América and my job involved traveling a lot, and I hated traveling, I missed Conan a lot, and now I miss it for five. And they insult me ​​because I travel. I hate travel. Look if I wouldn’t be more comfortable staying in Olivos,” he said.


The President spoke at ExpoEFI 2024 and said that he “hates traveling.”

He also referred to the comings and goings regarding his presence at the G7. “They invented that I was not going to go to Italy. Yes, I am going to go to the G7 meeting. They invented that I was not traveling, then they invented that I lost my mind. The decision was always that I was going,” said Milei.

The official agenda has not yet been confirmed and doubts arise due to the activity after the meeting with the G7 leaders. The thing is that a week after that event in southern Italy, Milei will be in Madrid again on the 21st of this month to receive an award as a libertarian reference. The Government must decide whether the president returns to Buenos Aires and then travels to Spain again, or remains in Europe.

The chicane to Melconian and Maradona’s phrase

By insisting on criticizing the opposition for the delay in the approval of the Base Law, Milei remarked that “all the things” that his Government achieved are “despite the politics“and dedicated a note to the economist Carlos Melconian, who on different occasions questioned the economic direction of the administration.

“There are some who go around saying that there is no plan, that the worst has not happened and all those antics. It must be that the dye is burning his brain“, He launched.

Milei’s criticism points to who was chosen to be the Minister of Economy if Patricia Bullrich won the elections. Melconian said this Tuesday that Milei and Luis Caputo “have created an anxiety that the worst is over and it is a lie.”

At the end of his presentation, and also with great emphasis, the founder of La Libertad Avanza criticized those who, according to him, “disbelieve in the market economy.”

“To all those who disbelieve in the market economy I would dedicate Maradona’s phrase… mind you, two, but I say the one that can be synthesized in LTA,” said the president in reference to the phrase immortalized by the then coach of the Argentine team after achieving the agonizing qualification for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

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