The people from Mendoza stranded in Chile have already returned and passed the Cristo Redentor tunnel

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The surprise was that a hot dog seller, When hope for improving the situation was practically non-existent, he approached them to sell food and when they explained that they had no money, He decided to donate to the 150 people who were stranded in Chile.

What was the path of the 150 Mendoza citizens stranded in Chile?

During the afternoon of this Tuesday, Carabineros informed them that they could no longer stay in the military complex where they had been sleeping, eating and washing themselves. At that moment, they decided to go south but had to turn back.

The passengers of 3 buses that had crossed to Chile to go on shopping tours, decided during the afternoon to embark on a trip to the Pino Hachado pass, in Neuquen, which, according to what they were informed, was open. Information that reached them warned them that it had closed.

“People are already crazier and more upset, the passengers are fighting among them because some say yes, others say no, some say for the South, others say for the North,” one of the passengers clarified to Diario UNO.

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The 150 stranded in Chile will sleep all night this Tuesday in the streets of Santiago.

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The thing is that, now, during the night of this Tuesday they decided to cancel the trip to Neuquén and return to Santiago where they will sleep on the street.

In a meeting with the Chilean authorities, they were offered as an alternative make a capsule and guard the 3 groups so that they can pass. However, They were warned that it would not be possible because heavy snowfall was expected. for the next few days.

They have been stranded on the route for 5 days. Only on Sunday night did the Chilean Army personnel receive them, until this Tuesday when the authorities asked them to leave the place.

“The situation is complicated, we have neither bread nor waterpeople are desperate, now are fighting each other“Silvia Prado, one of the coordinators of a group stranded for 5 days, explained to Diario UNO. She also reported that there are 150 people, including two minors and three older adults.

“The Municipality of Los Andes and the people were giving us food until today (for this Tuesday), but we no longer have anything left and we are left without money,” Prado continued, worried because, in her words, the Argentine embassy in Chile has not given them solutions so far.

In Santiago we already talked, but they are not going to take care of anything“, he claimed.

The alternative is to go through Neuquén

Private motorists began to spread the information on Sunday that the Paso de Hachado Pine, in Neuquen, was opened. And so hundreds of people who were stranded in Guardia Vieja managed to pass. According to one of those who managed to use this road, the journey to Mendoza is 3,000 km.

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“People spent their money because people come to the shopping tour who don’t have a job, they have their coins to buy, I don’t know, socks, and wear and sell socks. And here we don’t have money. Nobody has any money,” he said. a stranded Mendoza.

“The Argentine Consulate does not want to take responsibility, the Chilean responded to the best of its ability, they cannot do more. The Argentine authorities washed their hands,” explained a woman in an audio that went viral on WhatsApp.

The forecast calls for bad weather until Saturday the 15th

The possibility of the weather improving in Paso Los Libertadores in the coming days is practically zero, according to meteorologists, and they explained that the forecast indicates heavy snowfall until Friday included.

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