Three new earthquakes in Vaca Muerta, in two days: “As if a truck passed you,” the neighbors say

Three new earthquakes they shook this week Dead cow and surprised the neighbors Rincón de los Sauces and Sauzal Bonito. The movements were recorded by the National Institute for Seismic Prevention (Inpres) between Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12.

From the Induced Seismicity Observatorythey assure that they were movements linked to hydrocarbon activity in the area.

The first of them occurred yesterday at 10:50 and it had a magnitude of degrees, with an epicenter eight kilometers deep. The second took place today at 00:59 and had a magnitude of 2.7 degrees, at a depth of eight km. Both were located in surroundings of Rincón de los Sauces.

A third event was reported by the residents of Sauzal Bonito around 4:35 p.m. this Tuesday. According to the testimony of the residents, there was «a loud roar and subsequent vibrations«. About this phenomenon, Inpres has not yet reported its magnitude.

With these three earthquakes there are already 33 phenomena that have occurred so far this year in Neuquén. Of that total, only 10 were located in areas where the epicenters naturally occur—the Andes mountain range and the foothills—and The remaining 23 “are associated with hydrocarbon extraction using the hydraulic fracturing technique.”«, they detail from Observatory.

The last earthquake had been reported on Sundayeither. It had a magnitude of 2.9, and its epicenter was located 82 kilometers from Chos Malal and 122 kilometers from the Domuyo volcano. It occurred at a depth of 8 kilometers.

Three new earthquakes in Vaca Muerta, in two days: where they were located


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