CC OO supports the UR and charges against the implementation of face-to-face studies at UNIR

Thursday, June 13, 2024, 11:44

| Updated 12:03 p.m.

The Education Federation of Workers’ Commissions has joined the open war between the two university institutions of La Rioja (with the permission of the UNED) siding with the UR. Through a statement sent this Thursday, the union has opposed UNIR being able to teach in-person or blended degrees and master’s degrees.

Commissions asks the parliamentary groups not to support this request (the PP has already said that it will) because they consider that education “is not a business and cannot be one.” Furthermore, he considers that the change “directly attacks the UR” allowing “this private entity to teach the same degrees and master’s degrees that the UR has offered since its creation, promoting private competition and favoring people with greater economic possibilities.”

Furthermore, Comisiones Obreras believes that the appearance of UNIR was a drag on the growth of online teaching at the UR when it was a “pioneer” in these virtual studies.

The Education Federation shows its support for the statement from the University of La Rioja and demands that the public campus not be threatened “by a legislative change that allows a private university to teach the same teachings that are offered at the public one”, for which calls for “more workers” with whom to achieve higher quality.

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