“We must transform the interim workers into permanent workers and not throw them out on the street”

The endorsement of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) to convert long-term interim workers into permanent ones has been received positively by the National Union of Temporary and Permanent Workers of the Public Administration of La Rioja (PIR). Its president, as soon as he learned of this sentence – which goes against the criteria set out by the Supreme Court – has indicated that it makes it “very clear” that “these people must be transformed into regular ones and not thrown out onto the streets, which is what what the Government intends to do,” said Jorge Azón.

In his opinion, this latest ruling “makes it clear” that Law 20/2021 by which the stabilization processes have been carried out “does not comply with the European Directive.” For this reason, “we must regularize around a million people in Spain and in La Rioja, between 5,000 and 6,000 Administration workers who have not been regularized with this rule, because this law that the Government made does not work, it does not work.” It is valid”.

Azón has also pointed out that the CJEU ruling indicates that “there is nothing regulated, because the European Directive has not been transposed and since there is no sanction for contracting abuses committed by the Administration” these workers must be converted into “indefinite ». In this way, all those people who are in court “have to become, if they win that they are being abused, permanent fixtures of the Administration.” The ruling also reveals that the compensation provided in Spain “does not serve as a sanction for abuse, that is, they are not sufficient.” Therefore, the Executive would have to “regularize” the interims and, then, “transpose the European Directive.”

A whole new chapter in the legal problems that have arisen throughout the country in which despite the fact that they have been immersed in it for “many years”, the Executive “continues not to take appropriate measures and is fleeing forward, like the Supreme Court, which “First he takes out something and the next day he says goodbye to it.” Therefore, after this endorsement, he has appealed to the Administration to “please be responsible and solve this problem free of charge, at no cost to the taxpayer, once and for all by making all these people indefinite.” “Let’s hope that it is definitive and that both the Government and the subsidized unions stop fleeing forward and finally respect the rights of workers,” he concluded.

This Saturday, stabilization process

Meanwhile, the Rioja community continues with the stabilization processes that affect an important part of the Administration workers, in which around 43% have temporary contracts. This Saturday, almost 1,000 interims, spread across 22 specialties, will face this first test that is part of the selection processes (through competition). All of them aspire to obtain one of the 32 vacancies offered by different teaching bodies, on which their future and job stability will depend.


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