The Andalusian Film Library in Córdoba begins the current film series made in Uruguay

The Andalusian Film Library in Córdoba begins the current film series made in Uruguay
The Andalusian Film Library in Córdoba begins the current film series made in Uruguay


The Andalusian Film Archive, dependent on the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports and managed through the Andalusian Agency of Cultural Institutions (Aaiicc), begins this Friday, June 14, at its headquarters in Córdoba, the screening of a cycle dedicated to the latest Uruguayan film production.

The event, as reported by the Junta de Andalucía in a note, will be held at the headquarters located on Medina and Corella streets at 8:00 p.m. and will be attended by the honorary consul of Uruguay in Malaga, María de Fátima Cortes. Leotte, and the manager of the Film Library, Francisco Pérez.

This initiative shows Uruguayan cinema from the last decade, with a special look at cinema made by women and will last until July 26. It has collaboration with the Embassy of Uruguay in Spain, the Consulate of Uruguay in Malaga and the Uruguay Córdoba Association. The cycle program begins with the screening of ‘Nueve’, by Martín Barrenechea and Nicolás Branca.

This film tells how the protagonist (Enzo Vogrincic) is a rising soccer figure who during a Uruguayan national team match comes to blows with a player from the opposing team, Colombia. Represented by his father (Rafael Spregelburd), they return to Uruguay while tempers subside and the press forgets about the incident, so they can close a million-dollar move to a Premier League team.

But is that really what the character wants? In fact, the film focuses on the psychology of the characters and how they react to each of the situations they face. The son is quiet and sensitive. He is the complete opposite.

The idea for the film arose from the incident that occurred at the 2014 World Cup, the famous “bite” by soccer player Suárez on Chiellini. As the film progresses, the young player’s anxiety and doubts increase, after discovering a broader life, influenced by a young woman to whom he feels attracted and who will make him experience the ambivalence between external demands and his own desires, his strict sporting discipline and his aspiration for freedom.

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