Pharmacists and the AECC promote awareness about skin cancer in Córdoba – Córdoba

Pharmacists and the AECC promote awareness about skin cancer in Córdoba – Córdoba
Pharmacists and the AECC promote awareness about skin cancer in Córdoba – Córdoba

Within the framework of World Skin Cancer Day, which is celebrated every June 13, the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC) of Córdoba and the College of Pharmacists of Córdoba have carried out an information day with the objective of raising awareness to citizens about the importance of prevention and early detection of skin cancer. This initiative was developed on the central Avenida del Gran Capitán, where an information tent was installed.

Photoprotective creams with a protection factor appropriate to the skin type should be applied.

The event included the participation of prominent personalities such as the president of the College of Pharmacists of Córdoba, Rafael Casaño; the president of the AECC of Córdoba, María Auxiliadora Cabanás; the territorial delegate of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Junta de Andalucía, María Jesús Botella; the subdelegate of the Government in Córdoba, Ana María López, and the member of Dermopharmacy of the College of Pharmacists of Córdoba, Elena Grande. All of them stressed the importance of taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of skin cancer, such as avoiding intense sun exposure, protecting the skin adequately and using effective and safe photoprotective creams.

The Fundamental Role of Pharmacies

The president of the College of Pharmacists of Córdoba, Rafael Casaño, highlighted the relevance of pharmacists in the prevention and early detection of skin cancer. “All pharmaceutical professionals, from their various professional fields and competencies, can contribute to the proper advice and healthcare to citizens and patients with skin cancer. In this case, the figure of the community pharmacist takes on special relevance in the prevention and early detection of the pathology, given its proximity and accessibility to pharmacies, offering Rigorous information and practical advice “They are key to combating a type of cancer that is experiencing epidemiological expansion,” said Casaño.

With correct sun protection you could significantly reduce the incidence of skin cancer.

Activities of the Day

During the day, various pharmacists were present to inform the Cordoba population about the incidence and characteristics of skin cancer. A decalogue of advice on good sun protection was offered, informative leaflets were handed out and skin analyzes were carried out using dermoanalysers. These devices allowed citizens to know their skin phototype and the most appropriate sunscreen for their case. In addition, pharmacists clarified doubts about the correct application of photoprotectors, the frequency with which they should be applied and the special considerations for children, pregnant women and elderly people. It was also explained how some medications can interact with solar radiation, increasing the risk of skin damage.

Importance of Photoprotection

Elena Grande, member of Dermopharmacy at the College of Pharmacists of Córdoba, emphasized that “the main risk factor for skin cancer is related to ultraviolet radiation and, for the most part, from excessive sun exposure, so it is a “avoidable factor about which the entire society must be aware.” She added that a Correct sun protection could significantly reduce the incidence of skin cancer and increase the survival rate, while easing the burden on the healthcare system.

Tips and Recommendations

The experts recalled the importance of protecting the skin throughout the year, especially in a city like Córdoba, where sunny days are frequent. It is advisable to avoid intense sun exposure, especially between 12:00 and 16:00, wear protective clothing, hats and sunglasses, and apply photoprotective creams with an adequate protection factor to the type of skin and the activity to be carried out. It was also recommended to renew the application of the sunscreen every two hours and after bathing or sweating.

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