“They intend to legalize a State of Exception in the City” – Urban News

“They intend to legalize a State of Exception in the City” – Urban News
“They intend to legalize a State of Exception in the City” – Urban News

The legislator Cele Fierro (MST-Frente de Izquierda Unidad) led this Thursday morning, a broad call and press conference, with human rights organizations, union and social leaders and deputies of the FIT-Unidad and the legislator from Unión por la Homeland and president of the Human Rights Commission of the Buenos Aires Legislature, Victoria Montenegro.

Cele Fierro analyzed the proposal of the Buenos Aires government of Jorge Macri that was later approved in the ordinary session that took place this Thursday: “Macri acts as a rescue wheel for the Milei experiment, but in the City: last night its disastrous police carried out a hunt of protesters when they broke away from Congress. Because basically, he and Milei agree on a vision that consists of so blatantly benefiting the friendly business community and cutting social rights, that the only way to impose it is by repressing, criminalizing the protest and now, even worse: Bullrich and the The president’s delirious talk about terrorists and a coup d’état referring to the mobilization in front of Congress, they aspire to use the figure of ‘sedition’ against the demonstrations, and in CABA, the doormat Macri, with the Law of Reiteration, sweeps away the principle of presumption of innocence: it frees judges, prosecutors and the police to put prisoners in prison for ‘just in case’ and even raid the premises of unions, human rights organizations and parties, without a court order. “A leap in quality in the legality of authoritarianism.”

Finally, the leftist representative added: “In addition to anticipating that we are going to reject this brutality on campus, but also confront this project (since it is openly unconstitutional) in the streets and in the judicial field, I want to draw the attention of the Buenos Aires town, in one aspect. Just as Milei cannot alone pass any law, and needs bought votes, the quorum of Lousteau and even Peronists, Macri in CABA cannot alone in the Legislature either: the deputies who vote for this barbarity have to be shaken so that the people have memory”.

From the office of the Buenos Aires representative of the FIT-U, they highlighted that dozens of human rights organizations, personalities and jurists signed a petition for legislators to reject Jorge Macri’s project.


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