Inflation in Córdoba: Consumer Prices reached 4.08% in May

Inflation in Córdoba: Consumer Prices reached 4.08% in May
Inflation in Córdoba: Consumer Prices reached 4.08% in May

After the disclosure of inflation data corresponding to May 2024 by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, the Consumer Price Index in the province of Córdoba was made public.

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In the province, consumer prices increased 4.08% in March. The year-on-year increase reached 274.95%.

According to the General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses, the goods had a monthly variation of 3.30% and services 5.80%.

Meanwhile, the Goods and Services category showed the greatest increase compared to the previous month, registering a increase of 6.60%followed by Recreation with 5.07%. Health It was the one with the least variation and closed at 2.09%.

Indec data at the national level

The percentage for May 2024 was 4.2%, more than four points less compared to April. Interannual inflation stood at 276.4%.

According to the organization, the item with the greatest monthly increase was Communication, which grew 8.2%, followed by Education with 7.6%. While Food and Beverages, one of the most sensitive in family budgets, rose 4.8%.

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In contrast, the categories with the smallest increases were Health, with an increase of 0.7%; followed by Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, with an increase of 2.5%; and finally, Home equipment and maintenance, with 3.2%.

Family budget

In May 2024, a family of four needed $851,350.87 to overcome the poverty line.

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