“Beautiful terror”, a musical comedy that surprises in Córdoba – Notes – Viva la Radio

“Beautiful terror”, a musical comedy that surprises in Córdoba – Notes – Viva la Radio
“Beautiful terror”, a musical comedy that surprises in Córdoba – Notes – Viva la Radio

“Hermoso terror” is a dark comedy full of music, choreography and a shocking staging, which takes place in Córdoba on Fridays and Saturdays in June.

After its success in musical theater for five years, Teatro La Brújula returns with this new production that promises an unforgettable and unique artistic experience.

Lydia is a strange teenager who, upon moving to a new house, discovers that it is inhabited by some unusual ghosts. A particular desire leads her to want to travel to the underworld, but she soon discovers that the inhabitants of the afterlife also want a visit to the underworld. This paranormal encounter unleashes hilarious, crazy chaos that alters the lives of both the living and the dead.

The protagonist of the work, Joaquín Torres, shared in Chain 3 his experience in this project: “We wanted to make people laugh with a comedy, but with a plot of terror, of scares. It is a group of ghosts that try to scare, but in the long run they never succeed.”

In addition to the acting and comic challenge, the work has an important musical component. The actors must not only play their roles but also sing and dance. According to Torres: “What we seek is to transmit emotions and sensations through songs.”

Regarding the scenic display and the teamwork necessary to carry out this production in Córdoba, Torres highlighted the collective effort: “In my 15 years of experience I have never been in a performance as impressive as the one proposed by the Teatro La Brújula.”

The performances are on Fridays and Saturdays in June at 9:00 p.m. at the Teatro La Brújula (Rivadavia 1452).

Tickets and reservations at www.teatrolabrujula.com.ar

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Report by Agustín González.


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