Senator Kueider points out in a statement that the decree that allows the appointment of CTM delegates is a great achievement for Entre Ríos.

National senator Edgardo Kueider (PJ Entre Ríos) said today that “the decree issued today by the National Government that modifies the way in which the delegates of the Salto Grande dam are designated is a great achievement for Entre Ríos.” In that sense, he explained that “it will also be forceful based on the new deregulated energy framework that the National Government is proposing and that will be approved in the Base Law.” This is so to the extent that it will allow all generators to negotiate, directly with distributors, the sale of energy and even its price. For this reason, “a fully Entre Ríos leadership on the Argentine side of the binational complex will be able to agree directly with Enersa and other Entre Ríos distributors on the sale of the energy it produces.” In this way “we will have a tool to drive the development of all the productive sectors of our province and reach our neighbors with a preferential rate.”

Several sectors of Peronism ask for the “head” of Edgardo “the Turk” Kueider and consider themselves betrayed.

On the other hand, Kueider pointed out that those who say that nothing is changed with this decree are wrong since “they are basing it on a text of a regulation that was not definitive.” He pointed out in this sense that in the first agreement that was made it was stipulated that the delegates were appointed by the Province. However, this was not firm, which forced a new agreement to be drawn up, which incorporated Misiones in the distribution of the surpluses, removed all reference to the appointment of the Salto Grande delegates, and expressly left the previous agreement annulled.” .+

Milei Decree on Salto Grande: Michel warned that it is “a right acquired by law”
The first of the minutes, dated February 5, 1998, stated in its article 4 that “the Executive Branch of the Province of Entre Ríos, will propose to the National Executive Branch, three (3) people to be designated National Delegates before the Salto Grande Mixed Technical Commission”. However, that text was replaced by another, dated April 7, 1998, from which all reference to the method of designating the Delegates disappeared. For this reason, the National Government never had any legal obligation to consult Entre Ríos.

Senator Kueider highlighted that the decree issued today by the National Government on this issue makes it a demand that the Nation designate the leadership of Salto Grande based on what the province of Entre Ríos proposes.


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