Bullrich led the launch of the Productive Security program

“Argentina needs legal security, security so that investment, a very clear objective of our government, can move forward and achieve a paradigmatic change from a country that was not growing to a country that is growing.” And she added: “We have the possibility that this growth will turn us into a society with greater well-being and capital so that Argentine families and companies can develop and we can live from the activities we develop and not from the State,” said the minister at the beginning of the presentation.

Bullrich said that as a result of the requests received daily from different sectors in different parts of the country to address the security situation of productive activities, ranging from blockades of supermarkets, industries, small businesses to the theft of telephone cables and railway tracks, “the decision was made, taking the experience of the work that was done between 2017 to 2019 with the Safe Harvest Program led by Martín Culatto, (who will be in charge of coordinating this new Program), to implement this new policy and above all, after the approval of the Bases Law that will open a new investment context,” said the minister.

The RIGI and the fight against illegal mining

“We are planning a series of actions to be preventive in the tasks that are going to be carried out in the most important areas of production in our country. For that, we are thinking about specific support for the capital areas, which according to the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI), have a maturation and work period: civil, first, and then their exploitation,” the minister said. And she highlighted that one of the problems that the continent suffers the most is illegal mining. “We want to be healthy and work very carefully so that this crime does not enter Argentina,” she stated.

The minister highlighted the role of the Argentine National Gendarmerie (GNA) which is deployed in the most inhospitable areas. “We are working so that in San Antonio de los Cobres, Joaquín V. González and in several areas where there is mining activity we have a common control system, surely with command systems that allow us to analyze the dangers that may exist in the area and work preventively. ”, he pointed out.

GNA to take care of the strategic objective of our country: Vaca Muerta

“We are thinking of taking care of the entire mining area of ​​the country with electronic systems and reaching all the companies, many of them – he said – have airplanes and landing strips as part of their logistics,” he said and announced that a letter will be sent to Añelo. provision of GNA to take care of the country’s strategic objective: Vaca Muerta.”

Security and lower costs in Argentine ports

Bullrich highlighted that work is being done to simplify procedures to lower the costs of Argentine ports and at the same time, with companies to also help the Argentine Naval Prefecture (PNA) in caring for the use of navigable waterways for others. types of crimes. This task is being carried out together with the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP), the minister reported.

Other important issues highlighted by the head of the Security portfolio was the possibility of completing works to allow exits to the Pacific “which will mean a very significant reduction in costs for many companies,” she highlighted. She said that this line of work will be developed with Customs-AFIP, since 80% of Argentine mining material is destined for Asian ports, “which will mean a very significant reduction in production costs. Our task will be to have security on that route and send all the agents of the main agencies: GNA, Customs, to achieve greater fluidity in the departure of mining products,” stated the minister.

New communication platform

The minister also announced the implementation of an online communication platform between all sectors, to provide automatic responses.

Supermarket security

Bullrich assured that in the case of food activities there is a very clear line of work: “We do not allow a supermarket to deliver food in any way because that generates a disorder effect. It is planned, if they exist, to organize these actions with the municipalities, but if disorder begins with the distribution of food, everything is disordered. There will be network contact with all the security chiefs of the country’s supermarkets with the aim of protecting them from tightening,” he concluded.

Bullrich was accompanied by the Secretaries of Security and Federal Articulation, Vicente Ventura Barreiro and Néstor Majul, respectively; the Chief of Staff, Carlos Manfroni; the Undersecretary of Territorial Deployment, Matías Ojeda and the coordinator of this new program, Martín Culatto, director of Operations and Territorial Deployment.

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