Elections under recolonizing siege › World › Granma

Elections under recolonizing siege › World › Granma
Elections under recolonizing siege › World › Granma

Caracas, Venezuela.–Determined to pay the price of walking in their own footsteps, the Venezuelan people have become a kind of breakwater in the face of the siege of imperialism.

The multiform siege of the White House on the sovereignty of Latin America does not cease in its desire to protect the life of this country; What they try to punish is the threat of example, with formulas already used in other times and other countries.

The real possibility – this July 28 – of a popular victory in South American land terrifies them. Then they waste no time and join forces with local lackeys and Colombian mercenaries to launch, from different angles, their attack against the Bolivarian Government.

In the first half of the year, several attempts at destabilization and assassination attempts in Venezuela have been frustrated.

Furthermore, the financing, by an American lobbyist, of María Corina Machado’s primary campaign was demonstrated, as well as an alleged armed offensive carried out by mercenaries linked to Operation Gedeón, and directed from the United States, which, according to the fugitive of justice, Mario Iván Carratú Molina, forms militias in order to attack this country.

Recently, President Nicolás Maduro explained that “the empire and its criminal hitmen, Iván Duque and Álvaro Uribe, have hired Venezuelan and Colombian drug traffickers, and have put them in Venezuela to try to harm us.”

Duque and Uribe, both former presidents, are also involved, along with “the CIA and a coalition of Colombian media and politicians”, in the dissemination of false information, and in promoting violence against the current Bolivarian Government.

This was denounced by the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, who revealed the participation of journalist Orlando Avendaño in inciting hatred and calling for insurrection.

«What María Corina is building transcends the electoral. The mood around her is insurrectional. This is how it should be handled. For there to be free elections, it is not necessary to ask for them or seek them, but to impose them,” Avendaño published.

But what would it mean if the local far-right tried to prevail in the upcoming presidential elections?

Venezuelans already have experience in this regard. In more than 25 years of Revolution, the most reactionary sector of the opposition – under US protection – has tried to ignore the results of the elections and has incited violence among the people themselves.

If it happens, we could foreshadow guarimbas; electrical sabotage; assassination attempts on popular and government leaders; coup d’état and invasion attempts; theft of weapons in military units; shortage of fuel, food and other resources. History would repeat itself, for the umpteenth time.

When the internal unity of a nation is weak and resentful voices are the ones that decide, it is easier to besiege it, attack it, possess it.

But the interesting thing is that whoever is interested in the instability of the country with the largest reserves of oil and natural wealth throughout its geographical space, is the same one who consents to neo-Nazi regimes, promotes wars, supports coups d’état and supports the establishment of authoritarian governments and dictatorships.

Washington has a manual of rules and procedures to stop social revolutions in America, like now, the Bolivarian. The decision to choose their path to the future remains in the hands of the people.

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