We must love, value, forgive and get closer to parents: Bishop of Armenia

We must love, value, forgive and get closer to parents: Bishop of Armenia
We must love, value, forgive and get closer to parents: Bishop of Armenia


The Bishop of the Diocese of Armenia, Monsignor Carlos Arturo Quintero sent a message of reflection regarding Father’s Day and the importance of the father figure in the family.

In dialogue with Caracol Radio, the leader of the Catholic Church drew attention to the importance of the father in the home in the formation of the family and the children, but also put aside those myths about the father figure which is key in society if it is exercised with love, responsibility, dedication and closeness to God.

The Bishop pointed out “it would be very interesting, for example, during these days to collect all those myths that exist in relation to the father, what derogatory phrases you have heard and how we could change them, not stay with the derogatory phrase, phrases such as, for example, there is only one mother, father can be anyone, there is a reality and that is that also in society we have parents who have acted as father and mother.That is, fathers who have shown their strength of love, their responsibility, there are many fathers, Catholics, also in love with God and life, who strive to give the best to the home and the family, fathers in love with those children, One sees parents who are very devoted to those children and parents who cry for their children and who get up early to work and break their backs to be able to provide what is necessary and ensure that their children can grow up healthy and strong, it seems to me that it is not possible. They compare those phrases that are part of a myth with the reality that is lived.

And he added “but we cannot ignore reality either, There is a reality of many dysfunctional families where the absence of the father is very noticeable, when there is that father’s absence and only the maternal figure remains.Well, you also grow up with some shortcomings, with some shortcomings and we know that and that does not lead us to ignore that there are mothers who also act as fathers, of course, but each role in its own right, the role of the mother is Being a mother, the role of the father is the father and mother and father complement each other and then they make this fruit of love stronger over time.

If one of the two figures, paternal or maternal, is missing, that child grows up with psychological deficiencies, human deficiencies, and spiritual deficiencies.what we are actually experiencing today in relation to social issues, so many hitmen, so many young people immersed in drugs, so many children, who today have slips in various ways, shows us that there are some families where the lack of a father figure and Maternal also leads to a lack of authority, a lack of discipline and therefore these shortcomings then come with a certain trigger, the trigger being rebellion, resistance, the coldness with which one often acts, because this lack of a father figure destroys the beauty of what a company means, an approach, an empathy in the father and son relationship

The figure of Saint Joseph

The figure of Saint Joseph as a just man and father, shows us the need for that father figure so much that when today we lack a father figure or When that dad has not been in the most important moments of our lives, it is very difficult to contemplate the figure of a God the Father., it is more difficult, you said now that you had or have a father who has been very close, I remember a childhood where my father, being such a strict man, always showed us a path of solidarity, of love, of generosity. I can say that I had a dad who taught me and I can say today that what I am also owes it to that dad and that mom, how nice to be able to say that, I would have to ask a lot of kids. You owe what you are today to a home education, or what deficiencies there have been in the home, which today lead you to do what you are, revealing yourself against the world and colliding with everything you see.


I want to invite young people to value their homes a lot and to value that father and mother figure, If you who are listening have a father who cuddles you, a father who pampers you, a father who takes care of you, value him, If you have not had that father figure, forgive him and pray for him, if you feel hatred towards that father, start forgiving him, If perhaps you have a father who has distanced himself from you and it is possible to get closer to him, then try to get closer to him and help that father. Let us always try to generate paths of solidarity of love, faith and hope.

50 original phrases for Father’s Day: So you can congratulate him on his day…

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