Public statement PC of Chile on the Peace Summit in the face of the Russia / Ukraine conflict

Public statement PC of Chile on the Peace Summit in the face of the Russia / Ukraine conflict
Public statement PC of Chile on the Peace Summit in the face of the Russia / Ukraine conflict

As has happened in our democratic history, the Communist Party of Chile shares the principle that grants the President of the Republic the role of representing the foreign policy of the Chilean government before the international community. As is public knowledge, this power is not in dispute.

As a Party we are committed to the struggles for profound transformations with the strategic perspective of conquering and building a deeply democratic system; As a left-wing force, the international factor has always been part of our policy; allows us to ratify as firm supporters of the development of international cooperation, multilateralism and world peace, as well as respect for the sovereignty and self-determination of each people.

We reaffirm the imperative of peace and the political solution of conflicts between countries and peoples, an especially sensitive aspect in the face of an increasingly interdependent world community.

The persevering and condemnable interventionist policy of the United States, the arrogance of not assuming largely majority agreements from the United Nations. The inhuman and criminal policies with which they impose fences and blockades according to their interventionist interests, our own history as a country that suffered genocide and extermination unknown in our history with a direct role of the empire, requires us to permanently update our anti-imperialist policy. Participation through NATO alerts us to the provocations and dangers that challenge coexistence on the planet.

We Chilean communists assign a high political value to the efforts made from different sides to establish a Peace Summit with the full integration of the incumbent parties. A partial initiative can be a solidarity activity with one of the parties, but it will not necessarily have the effectiveness of the process to build a political agreement that resolves PEACE.

Some seek to align countries with a war alliance that promotes the direct incorporation of European countries into a war conflict and provides military supplies and advice to the Israeli government for its genocidal action in Palestinian territory, in contravention of United Nations resolutions.

With a deep sense of responsibility we reiterate our position in the face of this dramatic conflict, whose scope, although up to now uncertain, nevertheless allows us to anticipate its dramatic potential implications for these peoples and all of humanity.

It is urgent from an independent position to establish the Summit that, with the participation of the incumbent parties, contributes to a political solution to establish Peace.

Finally, we reaffirm our commitment to the people’s struggle for world peace.

For friendship and solidarity between peoples.

For life and for world peace.

Communist Party of Chile

Santiago de Chile, June 16, 2204
Digital Chronicle

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