They ask that the national works paralyzed in Salta be identified – Salta

They ask that the national works paralyzed in Salta be identified – Salta
They ask that the national works paralyzed in Salta be identified – Salta

06/26/2024. During the twentieth session, the Chamber of Deputies approved two bills, five draft Declarations, a package of forty draft Resolutions and Declarations, plus a series of requests for reports.

The Lower House approved a draft Declaration that requires the provincial Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Infrastructure or the corresponding authorities, to identify and make visible through posters, each of the works that are paralyzed due to lack of financing from the National government.
Deputy Gustavo Dantur, author of the project, explained that the project seeks to have the provincial Executive identify and publish a list of the works that had to be halted due to the cut in funds from the Nation.
“In each of the Departments there are works that were left unfinished, transcendental works to improve the quality of life,” said the deputy, who detailed the case of paralyzed works in the south of the province, such as those planned on the route between Metán and Rosario de the Border, health infrastructure works, or housing, among others.
In this sense, the deputy maintained that citizens want to know what is happening with these paralyzed works, what they are, so he considered that each work poster must report that it is in that situation.

“Public works move the country, it generates jobs in each town, and we all know that. Whether we like it or not, the Güemes Pact seeks to defend the interests of Salta, strengthen the brotherhood of the people of Salta, fight for what belongs to us and reactivate each of these works,” stated Deputy Dantur.

Subsequently, Representative Nancy Jaime highlighted the work of the provincial government after signing a new agreement with the Nation, which allows many of these paralyzed works to continue. Meanwhile, deputy Sebastián Otero highlighted the effort and commitment of the Province in continuing with many of the necessary infrastructure works in the face of an adverse economic context and the sharp cut in national funds. In this framework, the legislators claimed the importance of the Güemes Pact signed and promoted recently in the province.

In turn, deputy Roque Cornejo, although he emphasized the importance of the project, proposed modifications to the majority opinion. Meanwhile, he referred to the agreement signed between the Province and the Nation, detailing the commitments, the obligations assumed by each jurisdiction, as well as the transfer of financing and the execution of certain works, and the continuity of conversations regarding public works. .

For her part, representative Socorro Villamayor highlighted that the interior of the country, fundamentally the provinces of the deep interior, such as Salta, continue to fight for their recognition, for federalism in the face of the different national governments; Therefore, she asserted that, in the face of this historic struggle and demands, “we must be united, regardless of party affiliation.”

In this framework, deputy Luis Mendaña pointed out the historical debt that the Nation has with the northern provinces, particularly with the province of Salta, while questioning the centralist vision of the different national governments. On the other hand, the legislator criticized the withdrawal of national resources and works from the province.

“For months we have been suffering from national defunding of the provinces; not only public works. The Nation has the responsibility and obligation to take charge,” said the deputy.

In another sense, deputy Guillermo Durand Cornejo considered that it is time to propose substantive solutions that allow ending the historical asymmetries suffered by the region and the province, raising the discussion of a new national co-participation consistent with Salta.

“Let them give us what corresponds and the Province will do what corresponds. There is no other way, we Salteños have no reason to continue losing,” he stressed.

The draft Declaration was approved unanimously.

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