Landslide in the Parque de los Nevados left 32 hikers incommunicado

Landslide in the Parque de los Nevados left 32 hikers incommunicado
Landslide in the Parque de los Nevados left 32 hikers incommunicado

04:24 PM

The landslides that fell in the last hours on the road between Manizales (Caldas) and Murillo (Tolima) They closed access to the Los Nevados National Natural Park, leaving about 32 hikers isolated who were visiting the Nevado del Ruiz.

The concession closed the road from 10:00 pm this Saturday, June 15, when a landslide occurred in the Torrecitas sector, which closed the passage.

According to the Caldas Environment Secretariat, the protocol of the PNN Los Nevados and the municipality of Villamaría was activated to carry out evacuation through the upper part of Nevado del Ruiz and go out to the Turin area of ​​that municipality.

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“The relief agencies are already on the way, Civil Defense and the Red Cross, since There are 32 people who were doing hiking activities and cannot pass, We are attentive to any information. The landslide must be attended to with machinery that we are also coordinating at this time,” explained the head of Caldas Risk Management, Paula Villamil.

Passage to a lane

On this Sunday afternoon, the department’s Environment Secretary reported that Passage was enabled to one lane of the road that was closed throughout the night.

The reopening of The road will facilitate the evacuation of the 32 people who were left incommunicado in the Los Nevados National Natural Park.

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The secretariat indicated that after the evacuation of the vehicles, The authorities will carry out a verification of the condition of the road, the number of landslides there are and the risk that could be generated by the adverse weather conditions that occur in the region.


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