Why Dog Day is celebrated today in Argentina

Why Dog Day is celebrated today in Argentina
Why Dog Day is celebrated today in Argentina


He National Dog Day It is celebrated every June 2 in Argentina with the purpose of pay tribute to those pets that are part of our life. The day tries to raise awareness about the importance of adopting and caring for all animals.

This day was chosen to remember Choninoa dog that was part of the Federal Police and whose tragic end shocked society.

On June 2, Dog Day is celebrated in ArgentinaPixabay

It was about a german shepherd born in 1975, who was trained as a security dog ​​and attack dog. He joined the Argentine Federal Police who accompanied the officers on different operations and tours. It was on June 2, 1983 when Chonino was patrolling near General Paz Avenue with Luis Sibert, his guide, and agent Jorge Iani.

The police noticed some suspicious movements on the part of two individuals, from whom they asked for their documentation. However, the duo refused and gave start to a shootout. The officers were injured, so they ordered Chonino to attack, to end the conflict. The dog proceeded to subdue the aggressors and managed to reduce them. However, one of the criminals shot the animal in the chest, who died while escaping.

By Chonino, June 2 was set as National Dog Day in Argentina

When they were able to get back on their feet, the police found a piece of cloth in the animal’s mouth. It was the attackers’ pocket, which contained their document. This achieved identify criminals and five days later, the Buenos Aires Police managed to capture them.

In 1996, the journalist Cora Cané decided to create an initiative to honor Chonino and all the dogs that are a symbol of nobility and bravery with the National Dog Day. In 2007, Officer Sibert died and his remains rest alongside those of his faithful friend, in the circle of the Argentine Federal Police. Likewise, the Mounted Police Premises has a bronze statue of the dog inside. Currently, there is a passage that runs between Avenida Casares and Avenida Jerónimo Salguero, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in honor of Chonino.


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