The Rich is a complex problem of names and complicities – Astrolabio

The Rich is a complex problem of names and complicities – Astrolabio
The Rich is a complex problem of names and complicities – Astrolabio

By Edgardo Pérez Alvelais

Last Monday, June 10, when Astrolabe published my last installment of the column Political Chess asking who is the mask Rich?, that same day, in his Binnacle of Saint Louis todaycolleague Armando Acosta Díaz de León shook public opinion by revealing names of possible owners of the Black Friday club in San Luis Potosí:

“TAKE IT under wraps but it turned out that Nancy Aurora Navarro Gil is just an employee of the real owners. Indeed, at first, Rich operated as a Japanese food restaurant, but in just a few months it became a dive, where its main customers were minors. There were other violent incidents in this place, such as fights. Apparently the owner of the club is Ulises González, in partnership with Oswaldo Martínez and a certain Benito.

Take it with caution, but it turned out that Ulises González is also the owner of the Azul Fuego, the Central Bar, the Secret and the Rua. This group took off coincidentally since the arrival of Jorge García to the Directorate of Commerce, but he is not the only one, there are other groups such as the “Alpha Group” that has also had its share in this administration, we will give you more details later.”

The reality is that as a society we face a problem of front men or front men where the thread is going to break at its thinnest. Barring a miracle, as usually happens, only the charales and not the big shots will surely go to jail. It is highly difficult to prove properties and responsibilities when someone pretends to carry out financial transactions for their own account and interest and assumes obligations as if they were theirs, when in reality the money – and the profits – belong to another person(s), with their money. correspondent. Nothing is free. During the week it emerged that the true owner of the Rich, other similar clubs already closed and a high-end restaurant, he is actually an individual from high society in San Luis Potosí. The problem is verifying it and even more so when accomplices and partners agree to continue the game with marked cards.

Then came a series of speculations, raids on closures of clubs owned by the same partners and other owners – after a child drowned to cover the well – and the demand for justice by the parents of the young people who lost their lives with the collapse of the fragile aluminum and tempered glass railing on the third floor of the plaza Alttus. It was coined hashtag #JusticiaParaManuelYRoy that was spread in to collect signatures with the following message: “We ask for the unity and solidarity of all of Mexico so that the tragedy of SLP’s RICH does not go unpunished.”

The next day, Acosta Díaz de León added:

“TAKE IT with confidence but it emerged, according to employees and former employees of Commerce, that Jorge García and Ulises Oswaldo were very friends, they called each other compadres and even frequently went to the snack bar at the Olympic Bar, the inspectors were instructed not to disturb to the González Salazar clubs, that is evident, for more than two years these establishments had an incredible racket, without paying permits, in old, inadequate and unsafe facilities, allowing minors to enter and charging a fortune for a bottle of alcohol, which they called ‘missiles’.

The only thing the people of Potosí want is justice, justice for the victims and their families and for this to never happen again. That Jorge García, director of Commerce, is on ‘leave’ to go on campaign does not exempt him one millimeter from his responsibility, he overlapped and allowed these designated dens, and many more, perhaps the majority, to operate in deplorable, unsafe conditions and without permission , there’s no more…”.

For his part, Lupillo González, under the introductory title “Corruption kills”in your program Freedom of opinion of Information Plan, addressed the topic of the tragedy of Rich with the specialist in Criminal Law, Lic. Edgardo Hernández, and the citizen Verónica Rosales, mother of the family.

For his part, Acosta Díaz de León criticized that “the elected and licensed mayor (Enrique Galindo), instead of returning to office due to the seriousness of the matter, better prepare his suitcases for his trip to Spain and France, not to mention, there are priorities, Olé and Vive la France!” .

“What will happen on Monday when we know that no one was guilty?”

The parents of the young people who died last Friday in the club tragedy Rich They demanded from the authorities justice for their children and that they stop pretending.

Dozens of people gathered at the entrance to the square. Alttus To pray for the eternal rest of Rodrigo and Manuel Alejandro, they placed candles on the entrance staircase, placed a cross on the floor where the young people fell and demanded justice for them.

The businessman Juan Ramón Infante Guerrero, father of Manuel Alejandro who was about to graduate from the Banking and Commercial School, asked that this incident serve as a precedent to avoid future tragedies. Interviewed by TV imagepointed out that this type of establishment operates without permission and clandestinely.

Infante Guerrero requested the head of the State Attorney General’s Office, María Manuela García Cázares, to carry out the pertinent actions, “Let him get his hands on the matter and not pretend as has been done on many occasions. “Let him get to work on this task that society is asking of him.”he demanded and then raised a prayer and told his son “Fly high!”

“May this serve to rethink all the protocols that may exist in the future and that it be truly done so that our children have safe places to attend and that they are not places of corruption. “There is only ambition and they operate without permits and in a very clandestine manner, even though they are in places that are supposed to be healthy.”he stressed.

Ciro Gómez Leyva criticized that this misfortune that could have been avoided had to happen so that the authorities of San Luis Potosí began to close clubs that do not comply with security measures for attendees.

For his part, Rodrigo Espinoza, father of the 17-year-old boy who also died on the floor of the square Alttus, in an interview with journalist Azucena Uresti for Radio Formulasaid that his son who was studying at the Bosquet College, in front of square Alttus, They affectionately called him “Roy.” He also demanded that the authorities move beyond the discourse of support and actually do them justice.

Azucena Uresti strongly criticized the government bodies of San Luis Potosí, “There was negligence and corruption, they covered each other up; There is responsibility of the state and municipal Civil Protection, of the owners and operators of the Rich club, everyone knew that it was a shameless and vile time bomb.”he claimed.

Moments before the evening in the square Alttusa mass was celebrated in the parish “Mary Mother of Grace”, located in the subdivision Rinconada of the Andes, where those present prayed and asked God for the souls and eternal rest of Rodrigo and Manuel Alejandro. They also raised prayers for the recovery of the 10 injured, including a girl who is in very serious condition in intensive care at the hospital. Hills.

In his homily, priest Rodolfo Aguedo asked: “What will happen on Monday when we know that no one was guilty? “Let’s not allow this to happen, let it hurt us, but let justice be done.”he demanded.


  • He didn’t even flinch. I had the testimony of another boy who went to the Rich he black Friday day of the tragedy. He told me that the manager of the club was notified of the tragic event and ran out of the establishment, protected by his guards. Without flinching and showing his face, he passed by the dead and wounded to get into his luxurious truck and then flee the place in an unknown direction. What this young man cannot explain is why there was an ambulance in front of the restaurant the Grand Central that he parked there and never came close to providing help to the injured.
  • abusive waiters. The young man also told me that there were 500 people waiting to hear the Sinaloan corrido singer lying down. Kevin AMF. That it was not a concert at all, just a coexistence and the enjoyment of some of his famous buchonas songs. The vaps (vapes) are all the rage and some had green herb cartridges instead of the traditional mango and mint flavors. He confirmed to me that they were fed up with the minimum consumption per exclusive table of 6 thousand pesos that in the end charged them additional costs of more than double the amount. He saved himself from falling into the void by making a strong movement to the floor to the left and thus was able to save his life.
  • The dead to the well and the alive to the joy. The saddest thing of all is that many of the young people between 15 and 17 years old have already forgotten the tragedy and what really hurts them are not the dead or the injured. There is a great lack of values ​​and civility. What they want is for everything to soon be forgotten and another similar club to emerge where the party can continue. Above all, they are clubs with afters camouflaged to continue the party at odd hours. Thus the degree of dehumanization and lack of solidarity in these times of decadence and naturalness of violence. Well they say yes Kafka Had he been born in San Luis Potosí he would have been a costumbrista writer.

Until next monday!

The opinions expressed here are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of Astrolabio.

He has a degree in Communication Sciences from the UASLP. He started as a reporter on Channel 13 and for the magazine Check. He directed Channel 9 of SLP and got to know the model of Radio Canada in Montreal. She held positions of audiovisual production, monitoring, synthesis and analysis in Social Communication of the State Government and the City Council of the capital. He was an executive of Technical and Special Projects at the National Supercomputing Center of the IPICYT and in the private initiative he participated in Seguros ING and AXA. He currently works in the real estate sector and is director of Ajedrez Político SLP. Twitter: @AlvelaisPerez.

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