The XXVII Mathematical Gymkhana in Córdoba recognizes its winners

The XXVII Mathematical Gymkhana in Córdoba recognizes its winners
The XXVII Mathematical Gymkhana in Córdoba recognizes its winners

Almost 180 teams from up to 34 educational centers in the province and more than 700 students simultaneously solving mathematical problems in the streets of the Historic Center. That is the great essence of Mathematical Gymkhana by Córdoba, which this year celebrated its 27th edition, culminating in the awarding of awards to the best quartets. Groups of four students who had to solve different puzzles with a mathematical key to reach the environment on which each exercise was proposed.

The overall winner of the Mathematical Gymkhana for Córdoba was the team Las poders traviesas, from El Tablero Institute, and formed by the students Antonio Fernández Martín, Miguel Gutiérrez Toledano, Carlota Rodríguez Font and Sandra Ruiz Huertas. The podium was completed in second position by the quartet Los integradores y discretes, from the Medina Azahara institute, with the Chimichurri team, from the Maimónides institute, being third.

In the exclusive category of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), the winning team was Los problematicos, from Maimonides Institute and made up of students Fernando de Olmedo Ruiz, Sergio Atienza Ávila, Luis Alejandro Petit Mautone and Mario Arellano Loureda. The MadalMAT team, from the Blas Infante Institute, completed the podium in second position, and the ABE quartet, from the Luis de Góngora Institute, finished in third position.

In this 27th edition of the Mathematical Gymkhana for Córdoba, for the first time, a prize was awarded to the best of the 28 teams from the seven educational centers in the province participating in the event. The winner was the Los Gymbros quartet, from Mario López de Bujalance Instituteformed by students Rafael Casado Torralbo, Alberto Castro Gutiérrez, Alejandro Sánchez Moreno and Wu Yuehan.

Taking mathematics out of the classroom, among the objectives

The main objectives of this activity are to perform mathematics in which the student has more freedom of reasoning to use the knowledge acquired in class; apply academic content to objects and situations that appear in everyday life; get a greater knowledge of the city; take mathematics out of the classroom, and promote teamwork, since organization among members is essential to achieve good results in the Gymkhana.

The Delegation of Educational Development and Vocational Training and the Doña Berenguela Teachers Center, organizers of the traditional quote, have had this year the collaboration of the Education and Childhood Delegation of the Córdoba City Council, the Córdoba Provincial Council together with the Europe Direct program, the Andalusian Youth Institute (IAJ), the Provincial Tourist Board. In addition, different businesses and companies provided breakfasts for the participants and controllers, in addition to providing purchase vouchers for the winning teams on the day of the test.

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