“Cuba sends its young people to die for the wrong cause”

“Cuba sends its young people to die for the wrong cause”
“Cuba sends its young people to die for the wrong cause”

Editorial of CubitaNOW ~ Monday June 17, 2024

The renowned Cuban art historian and activist, Carolina Barrero, has shared a powerful message from Mykolaiv, Ukraine, where she is on the front lines. Through a video broadcast on her Twitter account, Barrero denounced the critical situation of young Cubans who have been recruited to fight on the Russian side in the current conflict.

Barrero firmly expressed his indignation at the manipulation of these young people by the Cuban regime, which in alliance with the Russian Federation, sends them to a war that does not belong to them. “On the other side of this front there are young Cubans who were recruited to fight on the wrong side of history. Cuba, the country that should protect them, sends them to die; they are pawns of the corrupt geopolitics between the regime in Havana and the Federation Russian,” said the activist.

In his message, Barrero made an urgent call to young Cubans, warning them about the reality of the situation: “To the young Cubans who are watching me: do not be fooled, they send you to Russia to die, they use you as cannon fodder “. Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of the true fight for freedom, comparing the Cuban resistance with the heroic defense of the Ukrainian people: “Our fight is the fight for freedom, not the subjection of another people to the evil empire, our fight is the same as that of the heroic people of Ukraine”.

The activist also made reference to recent Russian military threats, including the presence of warships and a nuclear submarine in the port of Havana, making clear her commitment to the cause of freedom: “I am here because the facts always speak better than words, and I am a woman of actions. In short, history is written with the ink of courage and the language of actions.

With an emotional closing, Barrero dedicated his bravery to the memory of his grandfather, who died exactly 20 years ago: “20 years ago today my grandfather passed away. Nothing could ever anticipate that exactly 20 years after that day I would be here. To him I dedicate this fact to him.”

The situation of young Cubans in the Ukrainian conflict is a sad reality that shows the manipulations of the Cuban regime and the urgent need for profound change on the island. Carolina Barrero’s brave voice from the war front resonates as a call to freedom and dignity for all Cubans.

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