EPM will no longer fine those who spend excessive water in the Aburrá Valley and in the East of Antioquia

EPM will no longer fine those who spend excessive water in the Aburrá Valley and in the East of Antioquia
EPM will no longer fine those who spend excessive water in the Aburrá Valley and in the East of Antioquia

10:07 AM

Last Friday, June 14, the Public Companies of Medellín, EPM, reported that, accepting the provisions of the Commission for the Regulation of Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation (CRA), The application of the charge for excessive consumption of drinking water ended for the aqueduct subsystems operated by EPM in the 10 municipalities of the Aburrá Valley and some sectors of Eastern Antioquia.

Find out: EPM’s first solar park with 200,000 panels came into operation

CRA Resolution 039 began to be applied on January 29, 2024, due to the climatic conditions associated with the El Niño phenomenon, and defined an additional charge for drinking water consumption in the residential sector that will exceed 26 cubic meters in the case of the Aburrá Valley and 22 cubic meters for the sectors served in Eastern Antioquiain those areas where the amount of water available for purification was less than the demand.

Since last May, the measure only applied to the subsystems of Barbosa, Caldas and Aguas Frias (west of Medellín), because the latest flow records of the surface sources that supply the purification plants of these territories continued to show a difference in relation to demand.

From June 7, 2024, the CRA measure will only apply in regions whose supply sources depend on the hydrographic areas of the regions. Orinoco and Amazonthus excepting all the territories where EPM operates the aqueduct service.

Also read: Grupo EPM joins the agreement of the National Government to reduce energy rates to strata 1, 2 and 3

Given the current climatic conditions, EPM reports a satisfactory balance of the behavior of its aqueduct system during the El Niño phenomenon, since, although it was necessary to make some interruptions of the service due to reduced flows in minor sources and in the Piedras Blancas reservoir , 96% of its users did not see the continuity of their service impacted due to causes associated with this phenomenon.

The company reported that they are preparing for the possible arrival of the La Niña phenomenonwhich could represent technical challenges for the sewage system and for the provision of aqueduct service in some areas whose purification plants are supplied directly by surface sources.

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