Medina Ruiz toured the guards of the central hospitals

Medina Ruiz toured the guards of the central hospitals
Medina Ruiz toured the guards of the central hospitals

The Minister of Health of the province toured the hospital guards this Monday where he observed the situation in each of them. At the Health Center he spoke with patients who received care in the ward.

The doctor Luis Medina Ruiz He indicated that “we have come to the guard of the Health Center Hospital, as we usually do, touring the hospitals, the guards, and in a pleasant way we have found guards with containment, with people who approach, patients who come to thank the attention and to congratulate you for your attention. Governor Osvaldo Jaldo always asks us to be close to the community and especially to those patients who are vulnerable or who require some emergency care, and we have toured the general guard, the shock room, we have toured the fever guard, where there are patients “who are suffering from influenza-type illness, and also those patients who have had road accidents.”

The Minister of Health commented that “there are a large number of patients who have consulted for road accidents, unfortunately motorcycle accidents, where for some reason they have had accidents, almost always involving motorcycles, collisions between these and cars, and many times without a helmet.” . But there are contained guards, with an empathetic human resource, with a vocation, working. We have toured the hospital together with the deputy director, Dr. Silvia Saravia, who is a surgeon, and we see that the care is adequate, so we are very satisfied with what happened here and throughout the province. “We have data that there was containment, there was care, in some cases with very serious patients.”

In this sense, Medina Ruiz advised the population “we ask that we take care of ourselves, if we are going to get on a motorcycle, that we wear a helmet, that we do not consume alcohol, that we use the seat belt, that we respect traffic rules, and also those patients who have chronic diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, take the medication. Here we have gone through a guard, and there are patients who have diabetes, who are decompensated, uncontrolled high blood pressure, with heart failure, and that is often because we make dietary transgressions, plus the cold, and also for not taking medication. We have provincial programs that guarantee the provision of medications for chronic diseases, so it is very important, if we are hypertensive, to take the medication, check our blood pressure periodically, and of course the same with blood glucose, if we have diabetes »he indicated.

The dr. Silvia Saravia Deputy Medical Director of the Health Center Hospital commented that “today we are working, on Monday, a holiday, but obviously the Health Center is providing 24-hour care. We always make the trip on a long weekend and we had a very busy Friday, on call with approximately 120 emergency cases, plus 90 feverish patients. Yesterday, Sunday, there was a clear decrease, perhaps because many people took the weekend, so consultations dropped practically by almost 30%, now on Monday there are few people, few consultations as usual, but our effort is going to be this night, because the return of many who went on a long weekend trip may come with fever, patients who have accidents on the road, so we are prepared for this afternoon and evening to care for those patients.

Saravia explained that “generally on long weekends like this one and the next one that is extra long we are already prepared, on the one hand with human resources, reinforcing the guards, we also have in terms of medications. In case of fever, the amount of swab, medication, etc. We also reinforce the human resources in the guards, also everything that is the surgical team and everything that is needed for them. Suppose there is a special event, we activate what is called the passive guard system, which is activated in its different areas: administrative, pharmacy, nursing, operating room, then people go to the hospital and they are provided with what they need, both from the point of view of work needs and human resources.

The doctor. Matias Cruz, head of guard at the Health Center commented that «I am a surgeon. These days there were a lot of people, a lot of activity. This day has been particularly active during the early morning, where more patients arrived traumatized by a motorcycle fall, others with a white soul wound in the chest, on whom different procedures were performed. In the morning it was a little calmer. Generally Mondays, which are not holidays, are not like that, they are much busier. Patients who already come with a full weekend, where later they come with abdominal pain. But in all cases it has been possible to provide answers to all the problems that arise here. This hospital is a reference in that aspect and thank God we can provide solutions »he explained.

On duty, two patients also left their opinion. Fernando who went to the guard said “this is very well taken care of. Since I arrived they made me go in, they gave me a badge to know what I have, but the care was very good” Ernesto, another patient commented that “I am a frequent hospital patient because I am hypertensive and since the care I received is excellent, I return. Since I started getting treated here until today, the attention has been excellent every time I came.”

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