Training and recognition at the Palacio Córdoba: Promoting Sustainable Development through Cooperativism

Training and recognition at the Palacio Córdoba: Promoting Sustainable Development through Cooperativism
Training and recognition at the Palacio Córdoba: Promoting Sustainable Development through Cooperativism

Last Saturday, June 15, the Córdoba Palace was the scene of two important training events organized by the Cooperative Movement for a Sustainable Uruguay (McxUS). These activities are part of a three-year project led by the Uruguayan Confederation of Cooperative Entities (CUDECOOP) and five of its associates, with financing from the European Union, which seeks to promote and make visible the sustainable practices of cooperatives.

During these sessions, the concept of the Green Economy was delved into and work was done on the development of business plans that value environmental responsibility. In addition, the trajectory of the Salteña Consumer Cooperative (COSALCO) was recognized for its 65 years of commitment to sustainable development.

Participation of local authorities

The activity was attended by authorities from the Municipality of Salto, including the director of the Department of Social Development, Prof. Regino López, and the coordinator of the Cooperative Development Office, Enrique Correa. During their speech, they highlighted the importance of the Green Economy, in line with the United Nations Environment Program, which promotes development that improves human well-being and social equity, while reducing environmental risks and scarcity. ecological.

Experiences and commitments

During the day, various cooperative and sustainability experiences were presented, as well as responsible consumption and environmental education initiatives. The Social Development Directorate renewed its commitment to an Inclusive Green Economy (EVI), underlining the need to integrate the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development.

Participating institutions

Among the institutions present that are part of the Movement for a Sustainable Uruguay were the Sociedad Fomento Rural Salto, a member of the CNFR; the Federation of Production Cooperatives of Uruguay (FCPU); the Uruguayan Federation of Consumer Cooperatives (FUCC); CUDECOOP; and the Salto Intercooperative Table (MSI).

This event not only highlighted the fundamental role of cooperatives in promoting sustainable development, but also reinforced the commitment of the local community to the implementation of responsible and sustainable practices in all areas of the economy.

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