After complaints, Seduvop prepares construction of a pedestrian bridge on the Highway to Rioverde – El Sol de San Luis

After complaints, Seduvop prepares construction of a pedestrian bridge on the Highway to Rioverde – El Sol de San Luis
After complaints, Seduvop prepares construction of a pedestrian bridge on the Highway to Rioverde – El Sol de San Luis

Residents of Quintas de la Hacienda, Cactus and Los Gómez They face daily difficulties crossing federal highway 70 Ciudad Valles – San Luis Potosí at kilometer 255+100, due to the absence of a pedestrian bridge next to the cable-stayed bridge built last year.

The community, concerned about safety and free movement, has formed a committee to manage the construction of this vital infrastructure.

The committee, made up of members from nearby towns, has been divided into two brigades: one to assist in the temporary crossing and another for the management before the authorities. Despite their organized efforts and requests submitted to the municipal, state and federal levels, no authority has taken responsibility.

The need for a pedestrian bridge is critical; There are schools, medical centers and shops in the area.. The safety of pedestrians, cyclists and drivers of emergency vehicles and schoolchildren is at risk, especially those who belong to vulnerable groups.

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“We believe that the pedestrian bridge or pedestrian access will be of benefit to motorists and transporters, since there is a large influx of vehicles, given that it is a route of connectivity to the different industrial parks and, given the drivers’ ignorance that they are traveling through a school and medical zone, they far exceed the speed limitwhich results in serious mishaps, with countless deaths due to being run over.”

Residents argue that pedestrian access would reduce vehicular risks and benefit everyone, given the high traffic on this key route to industrial parks. However, the State Highway Board (JEC) has indicated that it is up to the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) to attend to this highway.

The SICT recognized that the original project for the cable-stayed bridge did not include a pedestrian bridge and mentioned the lack of funds for the 2024 National Highway Conservation Program. He suggested that the municipality could carry out the work with free technical advice from the SICT. Meanwhile, the Soledad City Council of Graciano Sánchez has not yet taken an official position.

Seduvop commits to building pedestrian bridge

In the midst of the persistent access and mobility problems faced by the inhabitants of Quintas de la Hacienda, Cactus and Los Gómez to cross the cable-stayed bridge on the Rioverde highway, the Secretariat of Urban Development, Housing and Public Works (Seduvop) issued a position on the matter.

The head of the agency, Leticia Vargas Tinajero, confirmed that the execution of the construction of a pedestrian bridge in the area is planned, located at kilometer 255+100 of federal highway 70 Ciudad Valles – San Luis Potosí. Vargas Tinajero assured that the project is practically validated and that it is expected to be completed with the arrival of the new municipal president.

Despite the statements of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) about the lack of contemplation of a pedestrian bridge in the area, Vargas Tinajero pointed out that the construction of said bridge was planned, but it required the approval of the school near the area..

The official explained that conversations are taking place with the Valladolid School to donate a part of your land, since a specific space is needed to begin the foundation for the construction of the pedestrian bridge. Vargas Tinajero highlighted the importance of addressing the technical and legal aspects to guarantee that the work is carried out appropriately, considering the location of the school in the area.

“Seduvop – he said – is committed to obtaining the necessary resources to make viable the construction of the pedestrian bridge in Quintas de la Hacienda, demonstrating its commitment to improving mobility and access for the inhabitants of the region.”

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